Tag Archives: weird-country

Fergie’s Ass Cares about Japan of the Day

Here’s my attempt to cleanse the world and by world I mean the readers of this amazing life changing website, and by readers I mean one reader that makes me feel like I’m not talking to myself, even if I am cuz he’s from some weird country and likes tits, from the cancer that is PARIS HILTON RUNNING FOR SELF SERVING PURPOSE …. So here’s pics of Fergie in tight pants running the same marathon, only not for the same reasons as Paris Hilton, you know she’s not doing it to make people think she is involved and cares about helping the world be a better place, instead of the rich, vapid, racist, useless cunt she is…cuz unlike Paris Hilton, Fergie doesn’t really have an image in need of clearing up….and may just be doing to help a cause she believes in…and that’s worth watching especially when there’s tight ass being put on display…hell if I got to stand behind this, I’d probably try to keep up to keep staring proper… Not that it matters.

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Fergie’s Ass Cares about Japan of the Day