Terribly fat Ashley Graham – who shouldn’t be a model – but who is a model – because all is wrong in the fucking world and fat girls with ddecent fat girl features – like shitty teeth and big elephantitis mouth / nose / thighs and ass….perfect for her Black husband as they like this kind of thing…and good for brands that need fat chicks to support selling product to fat chicks – since the world is fat… It’s a weird movement, give fat girls work as models, not clerks at Walmart but probably not as bad as her bowel movements that probably look terrible…and smell worse…because women may not shit…but fat chicks do…thanks to never stopping the feeding… I guess these are her instagram pics, terrible…why are fat girls thinking they can seduce like hot girls…and why are people encouraging them…it’s wrong….it’s against nature’s way…but luckily diabetes will win…and we can all point and laugh… The post Big Girl Ashley Graham For the Chubby Chasers of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .
Big Girl Ashley Graham For the Chubby Chasers of the Day