Tag Archives: well-marketed

Taylor Swift’s Aspiring Model Legs of the Day

Taylor Swift may be the fucking worst, at least based on knowing the lyrics to her song without actively listening to her songs alone…but she’s also this girl who is so well marketed, that she can do no wrong, even when she has 12 boyfriends a month, we can assume she has sex with, before going lesbians and collecting Victoria’s Secret models by letting them move in with her, who comply because gold digging doesn’t just work on rich old men…just ask Ellen… That said, in the past year of being “friends” with a Victoria’s Secret model, I guess she’s realized she’s achieved so much based on her bank account alone, that another hit album is fine, but easy, she just pulled it off again a week ago, but the one thing she hasn’t even been is an official model…she’s tall enough, has the legs…in fact has amazing legs that redeem all the weird awkwardness about her…but like every girl…what she really wants is to just be a Victoria’s Secret model, which is probably why she’ll be in Lingerie tonight for their infomerical filming while she sings her love songs to the girls she either fucks, or wants to fuck…but that we’ll never know about…because they have to work a PR spin on it…either way…legs…good… TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Taylor Swift’s Aspiring Model Legs of the Day