There was a time when masturbation wasn’t very accessible. You had to watch scrambled cable porn because you couldn’t afford the channels, do it on the bus while people were commuting in their sexy work clothes, buy actual porn and porn mags that were way overpriced, jerk off to music videos, or if you were lucky, lingerie catalogs, like Victoria’s Secret, that became a household name and marriage saviour in the 80s and 90s, when they were needed. So here’s a little tribute to trying not to get caught jerking off to a magazine, like you were still in the 90s, before everyone accepted that everyone jerks off and the internet gave us porn.. The models are who gives a fuck, they are interchangeable. The pics are uninspired catalog pics. The nipples are edited out…but they still happened so here.
See the rest here:
Reliving the Victoria’s Secret Catalog of the Day