Tag Archives: were-the-good

Christy Turlington Naked in a Magazine in 1995 of the Day

As the kids on instagram would say #TBT Throwback Thursday… If you’re like me, I like to use the #TBT to see how vile and disgusting and horribly these people doing the #TBT have aged…because most of the time, I am saying “where did it all go wrong….those were the good days…and now you’re just 20 years older and broken”…. But the nice thing is something I learned many years ago when I used to jerk off to bikini pics from the 60s, in the 90s, knowing those women were either in old folks homes or dead…and for some reason the thought of the ghost of what was…made me cum… Sure Christy Turlington isn’t dead…but her sex appeal is definitely no longer this…but I could just be overly excited by this because I love bush. The post Christy Turlington Naked in a Magazine in 1995 of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Christy Turlington Naked in a Magazine in 1995 of the Day

Jessica Simpson Tit of the Day

Jessica Simpson posted this picture of her holding a baby…and I noticed that she was showing off a little cleavage and figured that if I am pathetic enough to notice the cleavage, while not even being as pathetic as you, despite making my life about this nonsense, even though I don’t care…while you’re here…and I know you care…even about Jessica Simpson, some washed up, 90s, pop country star who went on to be a half retard on tv…but who throughout it all…though thick and thin…her first husband didn’t ride it out with her…but some other dude did and gave her a bunch of babies…babies that helped generate these tits…because those were the good years in your sad life… You know, this would be far more interesting….with nipple…or cum dripping off her face..or really anything but whatever.. The post Jessica Simpson Tit of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jessica Simpson Tit of the Day

Kaylee J Lavigne Does It Good In A Baywatch Swimsuit

I don’t know a whole lot about  Kaylee J Lavigne here and I’m too lazy to look her up, but her latest beach shoot is currently bringing back some very fond memories for me and the Little Tuna. Seeing her busting out of that red swimsuit is reminding me of all those glorious afternoons spent locked in my room watching Baywatch reruns. Now those were the good old days. And I really should do it again sometime. I mean, it’s been at least a whole 10 years days. Photos: Fameflynet

See the original post here:
Kaylee J Lavigne Does It Good In A Baywatch Swimsuit