Tag Archives: west-at-some

Laura Vandervoort Attempts Some Cleavage

I’m not sure I know who this Laura Vandervoort chick is, I want to say she’s a dutch pornstar, but I don’t think that’s right. Whoever she is, she was invited to the Ted premiere last night and she brought along a decent amount of cleavage. Alright, maybe not cleavage, but she’s showing off a lot of skin. If you’re into chestbones you probably love this kind of thing. Anyhow, the woman is pretty hot, I’m impressed. Now take your tops off.

Amber Rose Drops Some Serious Cleavage

I’m kind of surprised at this myself, but this is the second time in as many days that I’ve done a post on Amber Rose . What’s going on? Other than the fact that she dated Kanye West at some point, I really don’t know anything about this chick. That being said, she’s got my attention with a bikini top underneath her little jacket. That works for me. I hope she didn’t’ think she could hide this from me, I can spot cleavage from three hundred yards away. Lose the jacket.