Tag Archives: whaling-may

Puerto Rico’s Plan to Turn Endangered Turtle Habitat Into a Golf Course

A beach in Puerto Rico’s Northeast Corridor. Photo by Jose Menendez. Critically endangered Leatherback sea turtles must feel like humans have it out for them. As they cope with the massive BP oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, the least we could do is keep one of their most important nesting areas safe. Yet if Puerto Rico Governor Luis Fortuño has his way, that nesting area could soon be covered with luxury housing, hotels and golf courses…. Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Puerto Rico’s Plan to Turn Endangered Turtle Habitat Into a Golf Course

Humpback Whales Have BFFs Just Like You

Photo: MMS , Public domain. Will You Be My Friend? Humpback whales are the first baleen whales known to form lasting bonds, according to scientists who study the giant sea mammals. This tells us something new about the social and emotional intelligence of our massive cousins, and also gives us one more reason why whaling is wrong. “Individual female humpbacks reunite each summer to feed and swim alongside one another in the Gulf of St Lawrence, off Canada The finding raises the possibility that commercial whaling may have b… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Humpback Whales Have BFFs Just Like You