Tag Archives: whatsup-cheryl

Justin Bieber Crushes on Cheryl Cole

Sorry, Kim Kardashian. You’re no longer Justin Bieber’s dream girlfriend . The young singer has moved on to a true beauty, as he identified his new crush for a British radio station this week: Cheryl Cole . “She’s got herself a nice looking bod,” Justin said. “I met her the other day and she’s looking gorgeous.” Via Twitter, Bieber later added: “I heard Cheryl just became single… I mean aw cmon!! haha. Whatsup Cheryl? ;)” This guy cracks us up. Bieber was also asked about his first kiss and replied: “I can’t remember her name. It was at a school dance. It was kind of bad because it was my first kiss. I made a bet with my friends – first person to get a kiss gets ten dollars. So I slowed danced with this girl and then just went in. “Back then I was just a regular hockey-playing kid, so I was lucky she kissed me back!” Now? Let’s just say Justin doesn’t have to worry about a girl ever kissing him back. WATCH THE ADORABLE SINGER’S FULL INTERVIEW BELOW. Long Bieber Interview

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Justin Bieber Crushes on Cheryl Cole