Tag Archives: while-hungover

Amy Hood in Some Jonathan Leder Erotica of the Day

Jonathan Leder is some photographer I follow on instagram and he shoots all these 60s and 70s inspired erotica with serious babes….from Emily Ratajkowski to others who have gone onto be in Playboy and shit like that…making him almost a talent scout for girls you will masturbate to in the future….or even masturbate to now…cuz he’s pics are usually better than what the mainstream media delivers….even if it’s not the 70s and erotica is a dying art form….despite the fact that people like me love it more than any throat fucking porn….cuz throat fucking porn, although fun to live out at home, turns off the actual babes from getting involved….while erotica is something hot girls can be into if put in the right setting…with the right photographer who makes it happen… I don’t know about you…but starting the day…even at 11:30 EST….with a little erotica while hungover….to some 60s Parisian Lounge music, even if it’s a little obvious, is amazing. The model’s name is Amy Hood and I like her.


See original here:
Amy Hood in Some Jonathan Leder Erotica of the Day