Tag Archives: while-the-one

Kelly Brook Perfume AD No One Cares About of the DAy

Kelly Brook is so hit or miss. She goes from fat to skinny, dumpy to kinda hot, while the one thing that stays constant is her big fucking tits, tits responsible for her career, that you really isn’t all that much of a career, it’s not like she’s acting in real movies, or doing anything that matters, she just milks her tits, to leverage her fan base and I guess sell them shitty product…like this perfume…in a “why the fuck would you buy Kelly Brook Perfume”…kind of way. Proving that even if just moderately famous, you can make money. These instagram models are onto something.. All this to say I have seen her VAGINA STICK ITS TOUNGE OUT AT ME

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Kelly Brook Perfume AD No One Cares About of the DAy

Random Ridiculousness? Swedish Multimillionaire Hit With $130K Speeding Ticket Because He Is Rich

Well, he can afford it. Multimillionaire Fined $130,000 For Speeding Because He Is Rich $130,000….how fast was he going? According to The NY Daily News A Swedish multimillionaire has been fined $130,000 for speeding — because he is so rich. Businessman Anders Wiklof was busted doing 77 kilometers per hour in a 50 kilometers per hour zone — or about 48 mph in a 30 mph zone — when driving in neighboring Scandinavian nation Finland’s islands of Aland. Had he been caught in Sweden, he would have faced a $615 penalty. But fines in Finland are issued based on the driver’s wealth – and with Wiklof having so much cash, he was hit with the much heftier fee. The 67-year-old accepted he was “in the wrong” for breaking the speed limit. But he claimed the fine was “unreasonable.” “I’d rather put that money on the elderly, health, day care or whatever,” he told Ålandstidningen. “I have only myself to blame, but one can question whether it is fair. There should be a ceiling, it’d be more fair. Where to put it I do not know, but as it is now, it’s unreasonable.” Wiklof, one of the most influential and rich people in Aland, made his fortune as the owner of a holding company. If the price of a ticket was tied to wealth in America—the majority of tickets would be cheap because 99 percent of America isn’t ballin’ while the one percent lives like kings. Shutterstock

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Random Ridiculousness? Swedish Multimillionaire Hit With $130K Speeding Ticket Because He Is Rich

Forget The Army We Deserve Apologies: The Top 10 Worst Soulja Boy Songs

While Soulja boy is apologizing to the military men who put their lives on the line for our freedom everyday, he should be apologizing to us as well. While the one side of Soulja is an American Dream from putting up songs on Myspace to international stardom, there’s also another side which is Soulja still putting songs on youtube that make Rebecca Black seem lyrical. Check More Out At Hiphopwired.com

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Forget The Army We Deserve Apologies: The Top 10 Worst Soulja Boy Songs

Lewis Black sounds off on Glenn Beck

A moment of sanity! added by: treewolf39

Surveillance: Teens Beat Elderly Man, Friend in Cleveland

CLEVELAND – It's an unthinkable crime. Cleveland Police say a group of teens — aged, 15-18 years — pulled a 73-year-old man from his car, then kicked, beat and punched him relentlessly. The vicious assault was caught on a surveillance camera. Sgt. David Rutt of the Cleveland Police Dept. says the teens started attacking after the man and his 51-year-old friend, got angry because the teens were loitering near his house. “There was a group of six to seven juveniles standing in the driveway, blocking their entrance,” said Sgt. Rutt. “The juveniles became more aggressive.” Sgt. Rutt says the men did the right thing, by driving away from the E. 71st St. home in an attempt to get away from mob of angry teens. Police say the men drove down the street to Harpster's Market. The 51-year-old man got out of the car and went inside to call police. According to police, that's when the trouble began. “The juveniles followed them down to the market and while the one man is inside using the phone to call police, the crowd began to taunt the passenger,” said Sgt. Rutt. The teens the pulled the 73-year-old man from his car. First, two teens started kicking him, then the group grew to around six teens, all beating, punching and kicking the elderly man. The mob of teens also attacked the 51-year-old man. Both were hospitalized, one with facial fractures. Cleveland police have arrested four of the teens seen in the video, but they're still looking for two more. Sgt. Rutt says the surveillance video clearly shows the severity of the crime. “You can see on the video you have a large group of young adults basically assaulting two very elderly gentleman.” And although the the attack happened in late March, police are still actively looking for the other two suspects. Kathleen Cochrane Fox 8 Reporter 6:25 PM EDT, May 13, 2010 added by: CarlosBobthe3rd