Tag Archives: while-the-skits

Kristen Stewart Makes Fun of Trump, Drops F Bomb on Saturday Night Live!

Kristen Stewart has this weird thing going on where sometimes she's awesome and cool and really great, but sometimes she's just a tiny bit unbearable. But, lucky for us, last night she decided to be great. Kristen hosted Saturday Night Live right now, and while the skits were fun and all that good stuff, what people are really focusing on is her opening monologue. After a Twilight joke — yes, really — she admitted that she was a little nervous to be hosting, since she knew the president would be watching the show. Get it? Because Donald Trump is the president and he's obsessed with checking SNL to see which way they make fun of him each week? But Kristen had an extra reason to be nervous — and that's because, for a period of time in 2012, Trump was also obsessed with Kristen Stewart. He tweeted incessantly about her relationship with Robert Pattinson, and Kristen joked about that in her monologue. Yes, Kristen joked about that time she was in a relationship with and cheated on Robert Pattinson. What a world! She also said that while Trump doesn't like her because he thinks she broke Rob's heart, he has one more reason to hate her now, and that's because she's “like, sooo gay, dude.” And then, just for good measure, Kristen accidentally said “f-ck” on national live television. Watch Kristen in all her glory in the video below:

Kristen Stewart Makes Fun of Trump, Drops F Bomb on Saturday Night Live!