Tag Archives: whisky-at-night

Cheers! Britain’s Oldest Person Credits A Daily Shot Of Whiskey For Her 112 Years Of Life

Jay’s Photo/Getty Images Drink up… Britain’s Oldest Person Drinks A Shot Of Whiskey The oldest person alive in Britain is sharing her secret to longevity. According to The Daily Mail Grace Jones (yes, that’s her real name) believes that taking a shot of whiskey EVERY DAY has made her live longer than the average person. According to Grace having a nightcap of Famous Grouse single malt whiskey every evening for the last 62 years has allowed her to live over a century. “I never miss my night cap. All I have is the whisky at night, she told the Daily Mail. “Whisky is very good for you. I started having a nightly tot of it when I turned 50 so I’ve been having it every night for the last 60 years and I certainly have no intention of stopping now. ‘My doctor said ‘keep up with the whisky Grace, it’s good for your heart.’” Are you drinking whiskey for your heart??? You could live to be as old as Grace Jones…

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Cheers! Britain’s Oldest Person Credits A Daily Shot Of Whiskey For Her 112 Years Of Life