Tag Archives: white-facebook

Tyra Banks Introduces 18-Year-Old Fashion Designer ‘Kyehma McEntyre’ Who Blew Up Internet With Her Fabulous Prom Dress [Video]

Pure dopeness and beauty.

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Tyra Banks Introduces 18-Year-Old Fashion Designer ‘Kyehma McEntyre’ Who Blew Up Internet With Her Fabulous Prom Dress [Video]

#HisNameIsCayden: White Facebook Users Get Fired For Making Racist Jokes About Innocent Black Boy

White Facebook Users Get Fired For Making Racist Jokes About Black Boy An evil Facebook user who goes by the name of Geris (or Gerod) Hilton recently posted a pic with an innocent Black child, allegedly the son of his co-worker, he and his friends decided to make racist “jokes” about the poor child while continuing to act friendly to the boy and his mother. The disgusting comments: The racist friends even described the child as “feral” and continued to mock him: Since the photo has gone viral , Emily Irene Red as well as Geris/Gerod have both been fired from their jobs. One under the name Geris at YourEDM and the other under the name Gerod at Polaris Marketing Group. The child has been identified by his mother Sydney as Cayden Jace and recently took to her Facebook and Twitter pages to share her gratitude for getting these racist sickos out the paint. Hit the flip for a statement from her next… Facebook/Twitter

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#HisNameIsCayden: White Facebook Users Get Fired For Making Racist Jokes About Innocent Black Boy