Tag Archives: wilbur-mills

Sam Donaldson: It's Hard to Forgive Bible-thumping GOPers for …

And the past, with Wilbur Mills, Fanne Foxe , the Argentinean stripper in the Tidal Basin, Wayne Hays, an Ohio congressman, Democrat. His secretary says “I can’t type. And I can’t take short hand

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Sam Donaldson: It's Hard to Forgive Bible-thumping GOPers for …

Collins, Blow, Herbert and Cohen

It was, of course, the evening in 1974 when Fanne Foxe , “The Argentine Firecracker,” took a hysterical leap into the Tidal Basin after a fight with her inebriated escort, the House Ways and Means Chairman Wilbur Mills of Arkansas. …

Collins, Blow, Herbert and Cohen

Washington Social Diary

Wilbur Mills, powerful democratic chairman of the Ways and Means Committee, had a sweetie named Fanne Foxe , a DC stripper known as the “Argentine Firecracker.” One frisky, juiced-up night in 1974 their weaving car got pulled over by the …

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Washington Social Diary

Sex in the Senate, the Governor’s Mansion in South Carolina, Etc …

Back on October 16, 1974, 65-year-old Wilbur Mills was found, intoxicated and with cuts on his face, in the company of one Fanne Foxe , aka “the Argentina Firecracker,” aka Annabell Bathstella. Ms. Foxe had 2 black eyes, which were never …

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Sex in the Senate, the Governor’s Mansion in South Carolina, Etc …