Tag Archives: william-cridge

Man Exposes Friend’s Cheating Boyfriend: See The HILARIOUS Exchange!

Have you ever heard the saying ” cheaters never win “? Of course you have, you live on this planet, you’ve heard things. But while the saying is true, it’s also true that sometimes, on special occasions, people are able to publicly expose cheaters , and those people do win. And the people lucky enough to witness it all go down ? Well, friends, we win, too. And we win hard . Take, for example, the story of a man named Eli. Sit back as we weave this magical tale. Eli has a friend named Samantha, and Samantha has a boyfriend named Kyle. Or at least she did, before Eli got involved. In a lovely series of text messages that Eli was kind enough to share on Twitter, he reached out to Kyle and asked him a pointed little question. “Why were you at Rachel’s house yesterday? Does your girlfriend Samantha know?” Poor Kyle obviously panicked after reading that gem. “No. You didn’t tell her did you?…” Note the question mark and the ellipses. Somebody sure sounds nervous, huh? But then the magic happens. “No,” Eli told him. “but I will if you buy me a pizza at Pizza Hut and have it delivered to my house.” He gave Kylie his address, and told him “The choice is yours.” “Okay I did it,” Kylie said, and so he did: But please take note of the clever wording in Eli’s request. “No,” he said, as in no, he didn’t tell Kyle’s girlfriend that he was at another girl’s house. However … “But I will if you buy me a pizza.” Either Kyle was real anxious about being found out or he was never that great at reading comprehension, because obviously Eli told him that if he ordered a pizza and had it delivered to his house, then he’d tell the girlfriend that good ol’ Kyle was being unfaithful. Here’s the lesson in all this: don’t cheat on your significant other. Alternate lesson: learn how to read good.

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Man Exposes Friend’s Cheating Boyfriend: See The HILARIOUS Exchange!

Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt Divorce: Prince William and Kate Middleton Take Sides!

There is much unrest at Kensington Palace as the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge come to terms with Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s divorce. How it directly affects the lives of William and Catherine is anyone’s guess, but OK! Magazine is certain that they are j ust as cut up about the split as the rest of us. Perhaps even more so. It turns out that William and Catherine were “absolutely devastated” when they found out the news on September 20th. The couples go way back, having enjoyed tea together one time in June 2015. This makes them practically best friends. And like best friends, Bill and Cath “plan to send private messages of support to both Brad and Angelina when things settle down in the media,” according to a palace insider. When it comes to choosing sides, what will the Duke and Duchess do? Apparently William is on Team Angelina because of her humanitarian efforts, and told Catherine that he “thinks they should cut off ties with Brad.” Catherine, it’s alleged, took this to mean that William has the hots for Angelina, and is not amused. “Kate’s not so sure and is suspicious that William’s very obvious crush on Angelina is coming into play.” Her Royal Highness, though aware of the child abuse allegations, has a soft spot for Brad and therefore “can’t bring herself to believe Brad would ever hurt his kids intentionally.” Now who has the obvious crush, hmmmm? “She and Brad really connected over his love for his kids and she can’t fathom what’s being said to what she really knows,” said source added. OK! really wants to make this fab foursome happen. Back in May, the tabloid claimed that Catherine was working overtime to set up playdates for their kids, and girl time for her and Angelina. A source told OK ! that Catherine and Angelina would be on the “phone for hours and sent lots and lots of emails” discussing going to the ballet or even just down to the local pub. Now, such plans are nothing more than shattered dreams.   Instead, Catherine will have to make do with whatever girl Prince Harry brings round. Ugh.

More here:
Angelina Jolie-Brad Pitt Divorce: Prince William and Kate Middleton Take Sides!