Tag Archives: words-as-well

Optimal: GOP Jumps on Obama Libya Comment

While President Obama accuses his opponent of Romnesia , Republicans are pouncing on Obama for saying the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi were not “optimal.” In an interview with Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart, the host used that word first, regarding the administration’s response to the tragedy in Libya earlier this fall. Obama then responded that anytime four Americans die, it’s not optimal. Watch: Optimal Republican V.P. candidate Paul Ryan used the opportunity to rip the administration ’s “inconsistent” handling of the attack, saying “their story continues to shift.” Obama’s 2008 opponent, Sen. John McCain, had strong words as well: “Even from someone like the president, who has never known what these kinds of tragedies are about and the service and sacrifice that people make, it’s still just … I can’t even get angry. “It’s just so inappropriate. And I’m sure that the families of those brave Americans are not amused.” Election 2012:   Obama-Biden Romney-Ryan View Poll »

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Optimal: GOP Jumps on Obama Libya Comment