Tag Archives: more-familiar

Le Call’s Sexy Lingerie Pictures

These lingerie pictures are the first time I’m hearing of Le Call who, according to my eyeballs, is one seriously hot model. But this is a pretty great way to make a first impression if you ask me. And after getting more familiar with her via some good old-fashioned Instagram creeping , I can safely say that I hope we get to see a whole lot more of her where these came from. I also learned that she was apparently “raised by wolves.” And if that’s the case, I’d like to thank them.Enjoy.

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Le Call’s Sexy Lingerie Pictures

Find Me the Ireland Baldwin Nipples for Attetnion Pics of the Day

Ireland Baldwin is still on her mission to be relevant and not just for having famous parents, and she’s doing it by going to Coachella, like all the other rich bratty girls who I would probably hate being around….only instead of showing off her big dumpy ass in short shorts she wore a sheer shirt that she wants everyone to know about thanks to her “photo” editing skills to cover her 18 year old nipples…and I guess what I am trying to say is that despite being uninterested in her, since she let our love die by blocking me on twitter and instagram, I still want to see her nipples…even if her tits seem too small for her massive frame… So if you were there with her, send it in, cuz nipples on Baldwin’s are good, unless those nipples are on Stephen Baldwin… Here she is in some Calvin Klein campaign, that she booked because she’s a big model, literally…no thanks to her mom and dad…

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Find Me the Ireland Baldwin Nipples for Attetnion Pics of the Day

Heidi Klum Old and Toplessness of the Day

Her name is Heidi Klum. She is a german domintatrix who you may remember from being a Victoria’s Secret model, but I am more familiar with her work as the wife of Seal Scarface, who was violated by his massive jungle cock enough times to make an army of kids …in what you would expect leave her 50 year old body more damaged than she is in these a href=”http://forum.drunkenstepfather.com/showthread.php?t=68177″ target=”_blank”> topless bikini pics circulating the internet…that I am not allowed to post, which is probably a good thing, since they are pretty shitty…but at least she’s not fat..even thought her vagina has a healthy appetite for black cock…even if she’s not with a black guy now, but as a model, she’s probably with a billionaire, these things happen…even though he could afford a better, younger model…I guess she’s still Klum.. But I can link them…TO SEE THE REST OF THE TOPLESS PICS CLICK HERE

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Heidi Klum Old and Toplessness of the Day

Heidi Klum Old and Toplessness of the Day

Her name is Heidi Klum. She is a german domintatrix who you may remember from being a Victoria’s Secret model, but I am more familiar with her work as the wife of Seal Scarface, who was violated by his massive jungle cock enough times to make an army of kids …in what you would expect leave her 50 year old body more damaged than she is in these a href=”http://forum.drunkenstepfather.com/showthread.php?t=68177″ target=”_blank”> topless bikini pics circulating the internet…that I am not allowed to post, which is probably a good thing, since they are pretty shitty…but at least she’s not fat..even thought her vagina has a healthy appetite for black cock…even if she’s not with a black guy now, but as a model, she’s probably with a billionaire, these things happen…even though he could afford a better, younger model…I guess she’s still Klum.. But I can link them…TO SEE THE REST OF THE TOPLESS PICS CLICK HERE

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Heidi Klum Old and Toplessness of the Day

Optimal: GOP Jumps on Obama Libya Comment

While President Obama accuses his opponent of Romnesia , Republicans are pouncing on Obama for saying the deaths of four Americans in Benghazi were not “optimal.” In an interview with Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart, the host used that word first, regarding the administration’s response to the tragedy in Libya earlier this fall. Obama then responded that anytime four Americans die, it’s not optimal. Watch: Optimal Republican V.P. candidate Paul Ryan used the opportunity to rip the administration ’s “inconsistent” handling of the attack, saying “their story continues to shift.” Obama’s 2008 opponent, Sen. John McCain, had strong words as well: “Even from someone like the president, who has never known what these kinds of tragedies are about and the service and sacrifice that people make, it’s still just … I can’t even get angry. “It’s just so inappropriate. And I’m sure that the families of those brave Americans are not amused.” Election 2012:   Obama-Biden Romney-Ryan View Poll »

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Optimal: GOP Jumps on Obama Libya Comment

Breaking Dawn Part 2: Behind the Scenes…

We interrupt your regularly scheduled Kristen Stewart/ Robert Pattinson relationship update to bring you news regarding their upcoming professional project together. Something about vampire and werewolves and hybrid young girls. Perhaps you’ve heard of it? Summit Entertainment has released a new Breaking Dawn Part 2 featurette, which takes fans behind the scenes of the November 16 release. Click Play now and listen to stars such as Stewart, Pattinson, Ashley Greene and others give us an idea of what to expect next month: Breaking Dawn Part 2 Featurette

Excerpt from:
Breaking Dawn Part 2: Behind the Scenes…

Willow Smith Covers Adele

Readers may be more familiar with the ever-chaning Willow Smith hairstyles than they are with this veyr young artist’s voice, but the offspring of Will and Jada has set out to change that. By covering the biggest artist of her generation. Smith has posted a video of herself singing the chorus from Adele’s ” Skyfall ,” the theme song for this year’s new James Bond movie. Does she do the track justice? Would you buy this as a single? Listen and decide now: Willow Smith – “Skyfall”

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Willow Smith Covers Adele

Our Commenters of the Week Get to Cast 10 More People in Scream 4

Apparently the real horror of Scream 4 is all behind the camera — they’ve got abrupt cast departures, impetuous hires, Wes Craven’s lack of script control , Kevin Williamson’s eviction , among other snafus. Now, as one of Movieline’s anointed commenters, you get a chance to add 10 more familiar names to the cast and make it the celebrity cavalcade it deserves to be. And so you know, I’ve already taken Jennifer Love Hewitt/Alfre Woodard/Kieran Culkin/Cicely Tyson/Justin Bieber/Gloria Stuart/Cole and Dylan Sprouse/Luise Rainer/Alfred Hitchcock. So choose something else.

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Our Commenters of the Week Get to Cast 10 More People in Scream 4