Tag Archives: work-at-banks

Anna Kendrick’s Bathing Suit Ass of the Day

I am not into Anna Kendrick….in fact her face annoys me…there’s something about her mouth that just prevents me from wanting me to fuck it…you know like in the pornos, all romantic-like, grabbing at her ears and thrusting it….and I’m usually into doing that to all women….I’ve seen her in movies, I’ve seen her at event at least in pictures of her at events…we don’t really run in the same circles… and I just avoid her instead of trying to understand her….or her appeal…because the older I get…the less mean I’ve become and if anything, I feel like her being a love interest in a movie, is like seeing a handicapped kid trying to play with the other kids….you know something that there is humor in, but you can’t laugh at cuz that’d be evil…and you don’t want to be evil…life is filled with too much negativity and is too short for all that…who cares if you wanted the plane to crash in Up in the Air…or if you hoped dude would die of cancer in 50/50….all so that you didn’t have to look at her wonky face….but then she put on a one piece and posted it to instagram….and all my discomfort about her and her weird look disappeared…..cuz bathing suits…even one pieces…even on questionable characters…mesmorize me….making this the first Anna Kendrick post ever on the site…which is weird considering she’s been around for years…but not weird considering how unattractive I find her.

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Anna Kendrick’s Bathing Suit Ass of the Day

Eniko Mihalik Titties for Elle France of the Day

Eniko Mihalik is showing her titties for fashion….in March’s Elle France cuz in France…showing titties is like wearing a shirt…it is a cultural thing…like wine, cheese, hairy armpits and Anal on the first date that isn’t really even a date, but more a random encounter at a night club….meaning shit’s not a big deal…cuz women who work at Banks and as Doctors and Lawyers dress like this….but we’re in North America…and for us…this is pornography and obscene….we can’t celebrate tits cuz tits are wrong…then they wonder why everyone’s gone gay…which they also say is wrong…creating so much pent up anger we go out and blow shit up….or shoot things…. She’s from Hungary, I’ve posted her tits many times before, but for some reason, it’s always like the first time….mainly cuz I never remember who she is….

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Eniko Mihalik Titties for Elle France of the Day