Tag Archives: work-happening

Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Caused By Short-Term Extreme Weather Not Gradual Temperature Rise

The blue areas in this image represent changes in elevation of the ice sheet from 2003-2006; the grey areas represent no change in elevation. Image: NASA Goddard Photo and Video / Creative Commons . We’ve all heard that the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting and that should it disappear completely some really dr… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Greenland Ice Sheet Melt Caused By Short-Term Extreme Weather Not Gradual Temperature Rise

Sierra Club Pulling Heads Out of the Sand in Cancun

Photo credit: Sierra Club This week, I’m happy to introduce Justin Guay of the Sierra Club’s International Climate Program, who is in Cancun at the international climate negotiations. He helped write this post to explain more of the important work happening over the past two weeks. The Sierra Club has been busy building the momentum, and pressure needed to ensure that our politicians and leaders live up to international responsibilities and infuse positive momentum into the climate change negotiations in Canc… Read the full story on TreeHugger

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Sierra Club Pulling Heads Out of the Sand in Cancun