Tag Archives: worth-real

Friday Night in NYC: Join Alex Pettyfer, D.J. Caruso and Movieline at the Apple Store!

Maaaaan , the interrogatory luster of the Movieline/Apple Store partnership is off the hook these days. To wit, we’ve got your Howard Bros., we’ve got your Jason Statham, and now we’ve got actor Alex Pettyfer and filmmaker D.J. Caruso dropping by Feb. 4 — i.e. Friday, i.e. tomorrow evening — for a chat about their new movie I Am Number Four . And you are invited!

Continued here:
Friday Night in NYC: Join Alex Pettyfer, D.J. Caruso and Movieline at the Apple Store!

American Idol Top 3 Auditions: Austin City’s Limits

Longhorn country served up a tasty trough of sang ers, y’all. I could’ve just eaten them up with a pitchfork and a soda gun fulla A1 sauce! Yee-hoo! But seriously: Austin only gave us three auditioners worth real remembrance, and they’re listed after the jump. Bonus: I’m comparing each winner to a famous pop-culture “Austin.” Clever of me! Because lots of famous people are named Austin, and pop-culture connections are as delicious as a piggy riding a sheepdog. Or something! Country, I don’t understand you!

Read more here:
American Idol Top 3 Auditions: Austin City’s Limits