Tag Archives: wrist-brace

Vanessa Minnillo’s Hot Little Spandex Booty

I love that over the last few years it has become acceptable to wear work out spandex pretty much any time of the day, I actually saw a woman at the airport once in spandex yoga pants and high heels, it’s pretty awesome. Here’s Vanessa Minnillo doing some shopping yesterday giving us a pretty damn good look at her sweet spandex booty. I could watch her walk around in the outfits for hours. Nicely done lady.

Minka Kelly Is One Hell Of A Hottie

Jesus Minka Kelly is a good looking woman. What do I have to do to land a hottie like this? Aside from hit a baseball a long way and make millions of dollars of course. There’s something to be said for blogging for over five years and only needing to wear one wrist brace for my carpel tunnel syndrome. #badass