Tag Archives: good-looking

Irina Shayk for a Lingerie Brand for Xmas of the Day

It’s interesting to see in a world where Christmas has been outlawed, at least pre-trump, where Politically correct has taken over so hard that it’s almost racist in and of itself…all this cultural appropriation, and safe space and trigger warnings and sensitivities to nonsense that people feel are actually worth fighting about, including Christmas…since not everyone celebrates Christmas…it’s unfair to shove it down America’s throat….we can call it Holidays, but eventually, the people who doesn’t believe in Holidays will want to be included, and we will call it nothing, even though the Jewish people all monetize off this shit, hell all the commercial Christmas songs were written by one…and all the movies made about Christmas are Jewish produced…and all the products we buy each other are Jewish sold…Chinese made….so if anything the Jewish people created Christmas…so let’s keep calling it Chrismas… I mean this is nothing new, it’s just interesting to see a blatantly obvious Christmas ad, when USA is so safe space about this shit…while the Italians and their lingerie don’t give a fuck…and I guess either do pregnant with rich and famous sperm russians don’t either… So here’s some cheesy, but familiar, Holiday underwear…something that I think is nice, because I’m a christmas music listening christmas fan…even if all my Christmas’ have been a fail, depressing, rock in stocking type shit, it’s still a good time that warms my drunken damaged soul… The post Irina Shayk for a Lingerie Brand for Xmas of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Irina Shayk for a Lingerie Brand for Xmas of the Day

Elsa Hosk – Naked for LUI Magazine and David Bellemere of the Day

I am incapable of posting as quickly as David Bellemere releases pictures of nude Victoria’s Secret models…or really all models…because it just seems to be an endless supply of titties for fashion on girls who are ridiculously good looking, so good looking they have made a career out of it, but that in and of itself is ugly, vapid, superficial, and takes away from their outter beauty – making me think that despite making their own money at this shit, they still want rich and famous dudes to validate their existence, but maybe they are just in the scene, that’s who’s hitting them up, and why date a broke person – Elsa Hosk, is a titty model from Sweden who got mainstream…because that’s how it works when you look like Elsa Hosk….things work out… The post Elsa Hosk – Naked for LUI Magazine and David Bellemere of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

Elsa Hosk – Naked for LUI Magazine and David Bellemere of the Day

I wonder What Megan McKenna Does of the Day

Her name is Megan McKenna….and I’ve never heard of her because I’m not from the UK, and when I saw she was from the UK, because she’s showing her ass in the UK outside some club, I figured she was just another one of those big titty stripper/ bottle service girls who likely gets naked in low budget shoots, or on low budget trashy as fuck TV, because that’s what the UK likes to do with their good looking, fake tan, ethnically ambigious girls, who look like hookers…because they are hookers and who use the paparazzi to end up on Celebrity Big Brother… The fascinating thing in all this isn’t her cheesy face, or fake tan…or her shamelessness, it’s how shitty her ass is at 23, but I guess she’s not actually 23, and more importantly, she’s from the UK, they don’t see the sun, don’t workout, eat potatos and slop, and don’t have teeth, which in her case helps her career… The post I wonder What Megan McKenna Does of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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I wonder What Megan McKenna Does of the Day

Nicole Trunfio Is Too Good Looking!

Considering all the times I’ve said that Nicole Trunfio is pretty much my perfect woman, you’d think that the Australian model would be my future ex-wife by now, or at least a Twitter girlfriend. But love works in mysterious ways I guess. Anyway, I think I might need to move on soon, because Nicole’s so good looking that it’s starting to become bad for my health. According to my mom, I’m going to go blind if I keep this up. » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com , PacificCoastNews

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Nicole Trunfio Is Too Good Looking!

Nicole Trunfio Is Too Good Looking!

Considering all the times I’ve said that Nicole Trunfio is pretty much my perfect woman, you’d think that the Australian model would be my future ex-wife by now, or at least a Twitter girlfriend. But love works in mysterious ways I guess. Anyway, I think I might need to move on soon, because Nicole’s so good looking that it’s starting to become bad for my health. According to my mom, I’m going to go blind if I keep this up. » view all 12 photos Photos: WENN.com , PacificCoastNews

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Nicole Trunfio Is Too Good Looking!

Kirk Frost Jump Off Releases A Song About Being A Jump Off


Welp! We knew it was just a matter of time before this happened and now hear it is…the jump off put out a song praising…

Kirk Frost Jump Off Releases A Song About Being A Jump Off

GQ Names Insane Clown Posse Worst Rappers of All Time and They’re Upset

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So apparently GQ took a break from posting pictures of good looking men to write a list of the 25 Worst Rappers Of All Time…

GQ Names Insane Clown Posse Worst Rappers of All Time and They’re Upset

John Legend’s Fiance Instagrams Nude Photo, Fears Being Suspended

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In today’s virtual society, there’s nothing better than when a good looking woman tweets a naked picture of themselves. Call men thirsty for admiring the…

John Legend’s Fiance Instagrams Nude Photo, Fears Being Suspended

Kelly Brook Lingerie Stage Show of the Day

Kelly Brook is in a lingerie stage show…where she pretends to be an actor..when really she’s just a woman pushing 40 willing to use her big old tits to get noticed….cuz they’ve worked pretty good for her so far…and she’s only got a few more years left in them to really fully utilize them to their full – early retirement – potential. Here are some pics of her performing….in a Burlesque show called “Forever Crazy” that is probably not about the abortion she got and pretended was a miscarriage….

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Kelly Brook Lingerie Stage Show of the Day

Kate Moss Topless in Vanity Fair of the Day

The nice thing about Kate Moss is that along with her rockstar lifestyle…comes a willingness to get naked all the fucking time…whether it is for free or paid…making these Vanity Fair pics…from an article that talk about her Johnny Depp obsession and her depression at 17…amongst other shit we don’t give a fuck about cuz we all have problems and we aren’t as rich and good looking as this cunt…so as far as I’m concerned she’s got it fucking made…. Here are the pics

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Kate Moss Topless in Vanity Fair of the Day