Tag Archives: concerned-she

Selena Gomez in her Bikini at Vegas Pool Party of the Day

Selena Gomez is back with Bieber because as they say, girls get addicted to guys with big dicks, and unfortunately, I know porn chicks who have got with Bieber and who have told me he has a big dick…you see girls are all size queens and the way to their heart is by making them cum, it’s pretty fucking simple…so if you have a big dick, and you make them cum, and you are an asshole, you can pretty much do no wrong, especially when getting back to you also means tons of press… That said, they were both in Vegas for the Mayweather fight, because Bieber is Mayweather’s good luck charm that creeps me out, and while in Vegas, Selena hit the pool looking more like a bottle service hooker on a mission to get knocked up by a rich dude, that a actor/producer poptart that she is… She was to me, unrecognizable in her bikini, because she layered the low level, bottom feeding trash in a bikini on…but as far as I’m concerned she’s never looked better…I blame instagram whores for making me like this look…

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Selena Gomez in her Bikini at Vegas Pool Party of the Day

Maggie Duran and Others for Purienne of the Day

Purienne is one of the better and more relevant hipster erotica photographers to come out the last decade. He takes a lot of hot, young, models and gets them posing naked for fashion and all the girls are down cuz he’s Purienne, and known in that world…the world of hipster erotica for fashion… He runs a magazine called MIRAGE that’s filled with glossy images of babes…and I’m not sure if these pics…are for that magazine One of the girls is MAGGIE DURAN , a model I follow on Instagram, because I love her and want her to have my babies, or at least have unprotected sex with, because condom’s are for pussies and I’m too old to catch anything from these young girls, that I don’t already have, even ones who sleep around a lot…not to say Maggie Duran sleeps around a lot, as far as I’m concerned she’s a delicate virgin sent from heaven…stop looking at her vagina.. I don’t even know which one of these girls is Maggie Durann…I am bad at this game…but they are all hot.

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Maggie Duran and Others for Purienne of the Day

Sylvie Van Der Vaart in a Bikini of the Day

I don’t know who Sylvie Van Der Vaart is…but I know it doesn’t matter…at all because she’s in a bikini and her backstory is one I don’t really care to hear…as far as I’m concerned she is an untouched virgin who was sent here for my enjoyment…it allows me to appreciate her without hating her for the obvious attention whoring gold digging / gold mining reasons…that aren’t her fault, but the fault of society who have made pretty much every single girl that way… Either way, nice tan…. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS CLICK HERE

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Sylvie Van Der Vaart in a Bikini of the Day

Bar Refaeli Instagram Bikini Pics of the Day

The rumors are that Bar Refaeli is some coked out party slut in Israel who fucks A-Listers to make herself feel more important than the other girls she’s ripping lines with….you know cuz it wasn’t that long ago that she was a big model everyone cared about…before moving back to Israel to be pretty much nothing special….but luckily in her demise, her fall from the bikini wearing top, there is some reflection on the glory days that were, and in her case, that comes with either trying to relive them or revisit them by posting pics of herself in a bikini to social media like it was old times….and luckily people like me…are into that.

Bar Refaeli Instagram Bikini Pics of the Day

Aubrey O’Day Thinner for Instagram of the Day

It’s safe to say that Aubrey O’Day knows her selfie angles. You know the kind of fat chick who knows how to pose for a selfie, because a selfie is the only photograph being taken of her, cuz she just doesn’t matter anymore, not that she ever did, but as far as she is concerned she did, you know DIDDY fucked her and all, that’s a big deal for some fat chick from Palm Springs…. She’s modeling a bikini for instagram, she’s not offensively fat, I don’t have to listen to her talk, so I’m okay with this shit…even if I hate everything about her….there’s just something about her not looking like a fat ditch pig…that makes me forget all the negatives…. She should keep this sucking in her gunt thing up…it’s the best she’s been…pretty much ever…even if I can tell she’s still a fat chick posing proper….and I hate fat chicks…

Aubrey O’Day Thinner for Instagram of the Day

R.I.P. Motherfucker – The Aaron Swartz Edition of the Day

I have been banned from Reddit for the longest time…I think my site is also banned from Reddit….I’m talking since the beginning….but I do like what they do….. I just heard one of the unofficial co-founders, Aaron Swartz just killed himself….and after doing some research on him….he was totally against online censorship…a fighter for the freedom of the internet….for people like you and me who use the internet and like the internet before the internet was being regulated…by the government. I am hit with copyright law all the time, being shut down in the USA has been an ongoing fear or real life issue for me….I know people who have been woken up by the FBI….with guns in their faces…and I am just like…dude it’s just the internet…. Either, He was 26. He fought a good fight. He could have done so much more. This is a real tragedy. Suicide is never an option…if suicide is really what went on here…seems like he’d be someone the government would want to stop…just sayin… Swartz was indicted in July 2011 by a federal grand jury for allegedly downloading millions of documents from JSTOR through the MIT network — using a laptop hidden in a basement network closet in MIT’s Building 16 — with the intent to distribute them.

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R.I.P. Motherfucker – The Aaron Swartz Edition of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski Wins at Instagram of the Day

Emily Ratajkowski is the future of everything…and by everything I mean my heart…because she makes me believe in love…you know that it actually exists…and that there is a soul mate out there for everyone…who you can never get bored of…so long as you both may live….because she’s got the hottest body around and she shows it off nude modeling in all kinds of obscure low level shoots…all while making a name for herself…even though as far as I’m concerned she’s already famous..she’s the top of the charts….but more importantly she’s perfect….the only imperfect thing in this instagram pic she just posted is that her friend’s hands are not my mouth…

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Emily Ratajkowski Wins at Instagram of the Day

Dioni Tabbers Hot Nipples for HERO UK 2013 of the Day

DIONI TABBBERS is some low level, insignificant, yet packaged as up-and-coming- cuz that is code word for “Maybe she’s make it” and as far as I am concerned she sure as hell should make it…cuz she gets naked for it….and that’s pretty much the right kind of eagerness…even if her other job option was working in some redlight district brothel in her home country, the Netherlands…..cuz fashion porn isn’t porn at all…it’s fashion people… This is a shoot for Hero UK….some magazine…that I love…but maybe cuz the late 70s early 80s erotica…reminds me of my molested as a child childhood…Good times.

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Dioni Tabbers Hot Nipples for HERO UK 2013 of the Day

Kate Moss Topless in Vanity Fair of the Day

The nice thing about Kate Moss is that along with her rockstar lifestyle…comes a willingness to get naked all the fucking time…whether it is for free or paid…making these Vanity Fair pics…from an article that talk about her Johnny Depp obsession and her depression at 17…amongst other shit we don’t give a fuck about cuz we all have problems and we aren’t as rich and good looking as this cunt…so as far as I’m concerned she’s got it fucking made…. Here are the pics

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Kate Moss Topless in Vanity Fair of the Day

Coco’s Fat Hairy Pussy Flash of the Day

Coco is fat and disgusting….but as far as I’m concerned she’s looking her best in these pics. I hate the photoshoots she does and promotes…..but seeing her wasted, sloppy, with lipstick marks on her greasy face and fat hanging over her knees, while more importantly flashing her hairy, unkempt, gunt that is hanging over her actual twat….. kinda justifies the way she is. You know, you expect whore behavior from a fat, drunk pig who loves attention and that the cameras are on her….leading to her casually seeing her pussy that she didn’t plan to show off cuz if she did she’d shave the shit…but was probably too busy eating donuts to bother….and not from a sober fat bitch who was once a hooker but who married a rich guy so she would never have to be a sloppy fucking whore flashing her unkempt gunt to the paparazzi….unless she really wanted to be… Either way, as great as these pics are, they’re pretty disturbing….and I like that. TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Coco’s Fat Hairy Pussy Flash of the Day