Tag Archives: magazine-called

January Jones Erotica of the Day

January Jones Posts them Nipples for Woman Pride of the Day January Jones hopped into the water full clothed for a magazine called Violet Grey…showing the nipples for feminine power… What I like about January Jones is that she made a career for herself without having any real access..which means she was Weinsteined to some capacity and she hasn’t complained about it. She’s also managed to have a kid that she’s kept the dad secret – because either it happened at a gangbang – or it was with some high powered dude who pays her to shut up – either way – she hasn’t exposed him and accepts who she is and how she got here… I also like that at 40 years old, she’s still pulling out them tits / nipples / whatever for attention – when really she’s not that interesting or compelling as a star. The post January Jones Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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January Jones Erotica of the Day

Mila Kunis was Slutty in The Edit of the day

The most disgusting thing about Mila Kunis is that she has let Ashton Kutcher cum inside her at least twice – creating a baby or two that will live this entitled life thanks to his dot com billions and her Hollywood money…when really, the world would have been a better place if he stuck with Demi Moore, who was unable to get pregnant, thanks to her uterus falling out during one of her plastic surgeries, coupled with her being old.. The fact is that it’s pretty sad that Kunis went running back to Kutcher after their teenage love affair on That 70s Show, after she was with CULKIN for a decade, never quite sucking his dick as well as Michael Jackson did.. I figure she went to the familiar rich place, like a friend she had a special bond with, instead of venturing out in the world getting Weinsteined…or really doing anything but ending up with Kutcher, that guy is fucking annoying. She posed slutty for some magazine called The Edit, because she’s promoting some movie or some shit, and the whole thing is probably exciting to her creeper fans who have been following her forever and can’t get enough of her, even though she’s old… Mom tits being used to trick you into thinking she’s hot so that she gets cast in movies and paid…all these money grubbers everywhere… The post Mila Kunis was Slutty in The Edit of the day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Mila Kunis was Slutty in The Edit of the day

Models in “How To Spend It” Magazine of the Day

Financial Times has a magazine called “How to Spend It”…which I guess is some luxury shopping magazine that shows you all the expensive things you can buy – when you’re a very successful investor thanks to Fianancial times, your trusty sidekick, in a corrupt, legal criminals, inflating the value of stocks to make everyone involved stupid rich at the expense of morons everywhere who don’t understand finance. I was listening to something about how Tesla is valued at the same price as GM as a company, yet Tesla and their 120,000 dollar car sell the same amount of cars in one year, as GM does in 3 days… Because it’s Tesla….Amber Heard’s Elon Musk…you don’t need to have the sales to prove the concept…you just have to have the billion dollars, press and concept to fool the idiots.. I heard that UBER loses 100 million dollars a year, every year, yet on paper is worth a ridiculous amount…because concept…it’s an app…people use it.. I heard that AirBNB….valued more than Marriott hotels, is also losing 100s of millions of dollars a year… YET all these people involved are billionaires…living like billionaires and buying magazines called How to Spend it…cuz they have too much money and don’t know where to spend it…it just keeps multiplying you know… The real purpose of the magazine is for the Sugar Babies to figure out how to spend the money, that they think their vaginas deserve, even though all but Amber Heard will be thrown the fuck out when they get too comfortable…because billionaires have options…unless the girl is good actor / manipulator.. These modes areAuguste Abeliunaite, Charlotte Wiggins and Xannie Cater shot by Andrew Yee. Good times. The post Models in “How To Spend It” Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Models in “How To Spend It” Magazine of the Day

Terry Richardson Comeback Photos of the Day

I guess a magazine called Document – felt it was only fair to give Terry – and icon in the photo world, hated by actual photographers for being a rockstar and a scam, who couldn’t actually take a photo, proving that photography is just about subject / location and pushing them – the device you capture it with doesn’t matter….a chance at taking pics again.. Some pussy bitch ass magazines and celebs have stopped working with him -because he has a bad rep – and they are scared.. but has never been charged with rape or sexual assault…meaning it’s all internet lies and trolls – just trolling for what they think is the feminist good – but that’s fucked up and a reminder that false rape allegations should land a cunt in jail… The fact is that Terry, married, a father of twins, is probably still a creeper perv, like all 50 year olds taking pics of 20 years old…but that doesn’t mean the whole world aren’t fucking pervs…everyone fucks, everyone is sex obsessed, even the uptight social justice warriors who campaign agains this guy..bullshit…but here are some of his recent pics…. Pretty boring pics….definitely…fucking boring… The post Terry Richardson Comeback Photos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Terry Richardson Comeback Photos of the Day

Paulo Sutch Hipster Shoot for Under the Influence of the Day

Paulo Sutch is some photographer from instagram – I don’t know if he’s actually considered an instagram photographer because he’s only got 700 followers…but he is taking pics for some magazine of hipster looking girls…so maybe he’s just too cool for instagram – which is a thing that’s finally happening for the people who pretend to be real artists…even though art doesn’t exist – because how can you claim to be art when you’re peddling your bullshit photos on a publicly traded company that made 7 billion dollars in revenue in the last 3 months because they are an evil organization that have the world or the internet by the fucking balls…it seems to me that working for some asshole empire in exchange for exposure may be the whole basis of art and the reason only rich people looking for substance in their trust fund life – are in the art scene…but it’s just counter intuitive…maybe just more proof that art is a fucking lie.. That said, these are for some magazine called UNDER THE INFLUENCE…featuring hipster looking girls – who aren’t necessarily hot to me…and look dirty and scrubby even if they aren’t and it’s just a look…and they are showing tits…and that’s all I actually care about…tits. The post Paulo Sutch Hipster Shoot for Under the Influence of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Paulo Sutch Hipster Shoot for Under the Influence of the Day

Rhian Sugden Big Tits of the Day

Instagram killed the Glamour Model star… Rhian Sugden is some Glamour model who is relatively famous in the Glamour Model scene….not that that scene matters or that I know all that much about this Glamour model scene….partially because I am not in the UK…but mainly because it is a scene that I hate since topless girls are meant to be strippers, and not given fame and fans that make them think that they are real famous models….especially with social media that proves we don’t need to pay girls to get naked on camera…especially when they look like this and should be banging on camera…because they look and probably act as classy as porn chicks. But instead they marry UK soccer players who see this as status – which is weird – but happens.. TO SEE IN A BIKINI PICS CLICK HERE The post Rhian Sugden Big Tits of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rhian Sugden Big Tits of the Day

Rihanna’s See Through Outfit Interlude of the Day

Rihanna wore a see through dress…because she’s subtle…while singing the dumbest fucking songs around…that people fucking love and that made her worth hundreds of billions of dollars…and the right to attend events in see through dresses…something we shouldn’t hate…because that would discourage this kind of behavior when all I want is for it to be more spread vaginaed…. Here she is in a magazine called VOGUE The post Rihanna’s See Through Outfit Interlude of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Rihanna’s See Through Outfit Interlude of the Day

Gigi Hadid and Friends for CR Fashion Book of the Day

Carine Roitfeld is some editor from VOGUE who created her own magazine called CR Fashion book a while ago, it was seen as some more prestigious magazine because fashion is pretentious and always looking for the more exclusive thing for the insecure losers who buy into that shit to attach themselves to or to try to be a part of… She’s decided to release a younger special feature caled CR Girls, which the feminists hate, never called a WOMYN a GIRL… It features – Gigi Hadid and friends who are all equally overrated except maybe Irina Shayk, who is perfect, but Nina Agdal, Bella Hadid and Carine’s daughter Julia Restoin Roitfeld all worth a fuck, but not worth the fame and fortune they either fuck or have in inheritance.. These are the pics…by someone named Sante D’Orazio….and they aren’t that great but they exist and so do I so it is like we are the same… I prefer when CR Fashion book did THESE GIGI HADID TITTY GRAB PICS The post Gigi Hadid and Friends for CR Fashion Book of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Gigi Hadid and Friends for CR Fashion Book of the Day

Suki Waterhouse Shows You How Instyle Will Feature You if You Fuck an Oscar Nominee of the Day

Suki Waterhouse is in a magazine called InStyle…. She is some young, fresh face looking model from the UK, who hangs with all the “it” girls, but who is probably not quite as fresh looking in her vagina, because she also hangs with A-List actors who like fresh face looking girls, who don’t have fresh looking vaginas, because actors need them dirty to keep interested in them… Well it turns out that that’s a good way to get into a life and style magazine built around celebrity…because everyone cares about bitches the A-Listers fuck…and thanks to the Hangover, Brad Cooper is an A-Lister…and thanks to Suki Waterhouse’s eagerness to put A List D , in her V It’s like pre-school, learning the slut alphabet… The post Suki Waterhouse Shows You How Instyle Will Feature You if You Fuck an Oscar Nominee of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Suki Waterhouse Shows You How Instyle Will Feature You if You Fuck an Oscar Nominee of the Day

Maggie Duran and Others for Purienne of the Day

Purienne is one of the better and more relevant hipster erotica photographers to come out the last decade. He takes a lot of hot, young, models and gets them posing naked for fashion and all the girls are down cuz he’s Purienne, and known in that world…the world of hipster erotica for fashion… He runs a magazine called MIRAGE that’s filled with glossy images of babes…and I’m not sure if these pics…are for that magazine One of the girls is MAGGIE DURAN , a model I follow on Instagram, because I love her and want her to have my babies, or at least have unprotected sex with, because condom’s are for pussies and I’m too old to catch anything from these young girls, that I don’t already have, even ones who sleep around a lot…not to say Maggie Duran sleeps around a lot, as far as I’m concerned she’s a delicate virgin sent from heaven…stop looking at her vagina.. I don’t even know which one of these girls is Maggie Durann…I am bad at this game…but they are all hot.

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Maggie Duran and Others for Purienne of the Day