Tag Archives: unless-the-girl

Models in “How To Spend It” Magazine of the Day

Financial Times has a magazine called “How to Spend It”…which I guess is some luxury shopping magazine that shows you all the expensive things you can buy – when you’re a very successful investor thanks to Fianancial times, your trusty sidekick, in a corrupt, legal criminals, inflating the value of stocks to make everyone involved stupid rich at the expense of morons everywhere who don’t understand finance. I was listening to something about how Tesla is valued at the same price as GM as a company, yet Tesla and their 120,000 dollar car sell the same amount of cars in one year, as GM does in 3 days… Because it’s Tesla….Amber Heard’s Elon Musk…you don’t need to have the sales to prove the concept…you just have to have the billion dollars, press and concept to fool the idiots.. I heard that UBER loses 100 million dollars a year, every year, yet on paper is worth a ridiculous amount…because concept…it’s an app…people use it.. I heard that AirBNB….valued more than Marriott hotels, is also losing 100s of millions of dollars a year… YET all these people involved are billionaires…living like billionaires and buying magazines called How to Spend it…cuz they have too much money and don’t know where to spend it…it just keeps multiplying you know… The real purpose of the magazine is for the Sugar Babies to figure out how to spend the money, that they think their vaginas deserve, even though all but Amber Heard will be thrown the fuck out when they get too comfortable…because billionaires have options…unless the girl is good actor / manipulator.. These modes areAuguste Abeliunaite, Charlotte Wiggins and Xannie Cater shot by Andrew Yee. Good times. The post Models in “How To Spend It” Magazine of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Models in “How To Spend It” Magazine of the Day

Taylor Swift Legs for Ellen of the Day

Taylor Swift rockin the mic like it was 18 year old Kennedy cock…..while Ellen fists herself in the corner… I find nothing hot or erotic or sexy about Taylor Swift. Maybe I’ve been in this staring a girls on the internet game too fucking long and nothing turns me on…or maybe I just have expectations out of girls…and being skinny, or showing some leg isn’t enough to get me hard….I need shit up on the cerebral level…I need a bitch to mind fuck me…not just make me angry with how boring she is…or how annoying her songs are….I know that Taylor Swift’s mission in life is to make 100s of millions of dollars and not to give me boners….her boner giving is reserved for 18 year old society boys with a bootlegging and corrupt political family history…and even being that kind of pervert…or the kind of pervert you know licked John Mayer’s asshole while jerking off…just doesn’t do it…cuz she hides all that amazing behavior behind a good Christian girl…and unless the girl is a good Christian girl I am corrupting…and not a corrupt girl pretending to be a good Christian girl for money…my dick remains flacid…. But here she is on Ellen and you know Ellen’s pussy was dripping for this shit….she had to change her boxer briefs….cuz anytime a girl rocks a phallus that doesn’t look like a penis…cuz penis is the enemy in her world…she gets excited…especially when said girl is dressed like a naughty secretary…Ellen’s favorite.

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Taylor Swift Legs for Ellen of the Day