Tag Archives: because-either

January Jones Erotica of the Day

January Jones Posts them Nipples for Woman Pride of the Day January Jones hopped into the water full clothed for a magazine called Violet Grey…showing the nipples for feminine power… What I like about January Jones is that she made a career for herself without having any real access..which means she was Weinsteined to some capacity and she hasn’t complained about it. She’s also managed to have a kid that she’s kept the dad secret – because either it happened at a gangbang – or it was with some high powered dude who pays her to shut up – either way – she hasn’t exposed him and accepts who she is and how she got here… I also like that at 40 years old, she’s still pulling out them tits / nipples / whatever for attention – when really she’s not that interesting or compelling as a star. The post January Jones Erotica of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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January Jones Erotica of the Day

Olivia Munn for X-Men of the Day

I don’t know why I hate on Olivia Munn….Ultimately, I don’t give a fuck about Olivia Munn. She’s just an instagram model, or social media star, when social media was some shitty TV Network that has gone bankrupt, where she was on a daily show talking about interent and nerd shit, not because she loved it, but because she knew nerds loved it… She quit, went on to act in nerd movies like X-Men, which is filming in Montreal but that hasn’t asked me to come on set…but I guess I can cum from the comfort of my home…to anything but Oliva Munn’s costume in the movie…a costume any girl could wear, it requires little to no talent… The only Olivia Munn story I have was a nerd I knew got invited on set of her show, and thought he had a shot with her, because nerds are often times delusional and think they are better than the rest of the world..so he asked her on a date…he fucking mustered up the confidence in all his awkward glory…and she turned him down….and I find that amazing, and in fact the reason why I don’t want to hate on Olivia Munn…because Olivia Munn may be garbage, but that play was a win…and this movie role is a win…and if you keep on winning my fucking the system…that makes you punk rock…even if you’re garbage… ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FOLLOW ME INTO THE DARKNESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | TUMBLR | SNAPCHAT FOLLOW ME ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The post Olivia Munn for X-Men of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Olivia Munn for X-Men of the Day

Jourdan Dunn Bikini Model of the DAy

Black but not that black but still black model Jourdan Dunn…who in case you didn’t know is some trashy UK model who is best friends with Cara Delevingne, because like Taylor Swift, Cara Delevingne is the leader of her circle, friends with everyone in her lesbian, not that hot model ways… I assume this Jourdan chick is a Victoria’s Secret model, this is probably a victoria’s secret shoot, and she’s showing her tits…for a lot of fucking money…because despite what the world wants you to think…we’re not living in a racist divided society, proven in my ability to want to suck her tits… ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ FOLLOW ME INTO THE DARKNESS ON SOCIAL MEDIA: INSTAGRAM | FACEBOOK | TWITTER | TUMBLR | SNAPCHAT FOLLOW ME ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The post Jourdan Dunn Bikini Model of the DAy appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Jourdan Dunn Bikini Model of the DAy

The ESPYS Happened of the Day

Who cares that the ESPYs happened…sports are for faggots… And I don’t mean faggot as a derogatory word to gay people… I am using it as a derogatory word for closet cases who like watching grown men play with each other…in their spare time…it’s fucking weird… You know the same kind of dude who could call a gay person a faggot…meanwhile motherfucker has wet dreams about being in the locker room with his favorite team after the big win… That said, ESPYs, an award created by ESPN, a media company paid for by advertisers…seems like a really legit award ceremony…that really means something…like the Maxim Top 100 but for sports…fuck this noise… Here are some sluts who were there, because either they fuck athletes and get herpes like Hannah Davis, are athletes who fuck Athletes until their vaginas explode like Hope Solo, or their dad’s now a woman like Kendall…and Tina Turner…. The post The ESPYS Happened of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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The ESPYS Happened of the Day

Miley Cyrus is The Best Ever of the Day

Miley Cyrus is a delicate flower from Pop Culture heaven who has graced the world with the polar opposite of everything she was when in contract with Disney…including but not limited to being topless as often as possible…because high as often as possible…because either she’s a broken girl…which is possible, all child stars are…or she’s a calculated puppet designed to connect to the market…because some marketing execs spent a year analyzing tumblr…and sitting in focus groups of angsty teens…. She is a caricature of what the market is…she reminds me of 80 percent of the girls on Tinder who claim to be weird..and crazy…when really it’s just the new Gap…and I’m into it..because I get to see tits…and open minded hipster chicks…who aren’t really hipsters since this is the mainstream…and these girls are from normal families, this is just the trend, and really they let me bang them better than girls back in the day would…I’m talking Anal..so sign me up… Here she is doing My Neck / My Back ….in video….real bad video… Who Shot this shit… The post Miley Cyrus is The Best Ever of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Miley Cyrus is The Best Ever of the Day

Elisabetta Canalis Tits for Instagram of the Day

If you were once the obscure Italian “tv personality” who seduced George Clooney, because either he liked you while at his home in Italy, or because she was open minded to his weirdo homo sex parties, because “he’s George Clooney”….who may or may not have had her contractually bound for a given period of time…do you still make a sound when George Clooney is long done with you, you’re back in Italy, and no one fucking cares? The answer is no, so you post nipples on instagram, and some of us bottom feeders will pick up on it because we’re pretty basic as fuck…and love nipples…especially on girls who dated someone famous long enough to matter even if it was just for a minute….

Elisabetta Canalis Tits for Instagram of the Day

Karlie Kloss Working Out of the Day

Karlie Kloss is the really fucking tall fashion model that Victoria’s Secret scooped up and made into a Victoria’s Secret model, even though historically they have always used girls with some body as their models, rather the overpowering freaks you see on Fashion show runways… I guess they had a reason for that. Maybe they owed someone a favor. Maybe they were trying to claim to be fashion instead of shit quality while trash, suburban mall shit, made in the sweatshops of China…that they actually are…it’s all marketing… I will say that they weren’t really capable of making this one ever look sexy to me…but they shouldn’t feel bad about it, because either did Nike with this campaign… She’s no Iza Goulart…

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Karlie Kloss Working Out of the Day

Anja Rubik and Andreea Diaconou TItties for Vogue Paris of the Day

Hey Vogue Paris…this is an amazing fucking shoot. The modesl are Anja Rubic and Andreea Diaconou and they look amazing at the beach, topless, bare assed, you have eyes, I don’t need to walk you through this, I just have to say that models are a magical thing, sent to us from Heaven, even if a trip to the local playground to see who is procreating, may make you lean towards thinking there is no god…it’s like every ugly person around gets knocked up….but the hope I do have is that two uglies make a hotty, you know some double negative shit, cuz the world needs a constant flow of bitches who look like this, especially now that hot bodies, thanks to processed foods and laziness, are getting rarer and rarer….it’s like only the genetically strong power through….and here are a couple reminding me life’s still worth living….

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Anja Rubik and Andreea Diaconou TItties for Vogue Paris of the Day

Candice Swanepoel’s Amazing Bikini Body of the Day

Candice Swanepoel has a great fucking body. Long, lean, fit…I got no complaints while seeing her in a bikini on her downtime, you know not getting paid to be in her bikini, giving us a free meal like a top chef at the homeless shelter, but unlike a top chef, her charity work doesn’t take much effort, which is convenient, because either does her day job. She gets paid millions to not even get dressed. I mean she’s won some lottery, and because it’s free for us to view, I guess we have too. She’s great, or at least good enough for me, even if her winning at life frustrates all us losers, her body inspires!! TO SEE THE REST OF THE PICS FOLLOW THIS LINK

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Candice Swanepoel’s Amazing Bikini Body of the Day

Candice Swanepoel’s Cowgirl Pic of the Day

Candice Swanepoel gave Utah a shout out, because either she shot this pic there, or she feels as though Utah is just a Cowboy filled land of polygamous relationships, that I would like to hope she is planning on retiring to, because it feels like South Africa, but more importantly, because it feels good to have multiple dick on call….not that she’s a man in a mormom home, but she’s Candice Swanepoel, fit and hot enough to make anything she want happen…like turn me on dressed like a cowgirl leading to impure thoughts of her in the barn, covered in manure, getting fucked up the ass with a rake while sucking me off….not that that is something she wants to have happen, but this is the internet, let’s pretend.

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Candice Swanepoel’s Cowgirl Pic of the Day