Farrah Abraham is a legend. She’s made me a lot of money over the years, thanks to posting her sex tape and getting linked on Gawker for it. Do you remember Gawker? They were fucking huge, and 100,000 people clicked through to see her sex tape..on this very site you are reading…I was so close to being culturally relevant, to being mainstream, to existing… I had the squirting clip, that I don’t think even works anymore thanks to system upgrades, it was a whole ago… But at the time, posting a whore, who was known for being a whore, hell she got pregnant at 16 to be on TV, when she could have just kept taking it up the ass like a normal teen girl…. She was MTV, mainstream, it was a big deal…and I made thousands of dollars…IN ONE DAY….it was amazing. So seeing her bolt on tits, still existing, barely mattering, all jacked up like some mentally fucked up person thanks to the backlash of MTV…may not be exciting to you, but it reminds me of the day I fucking peaked…and it was a good day. Her vagina pissing on a male porn star…was my “Lewinsky” moment…the day I broke a story….and here I am barely holding on by a thread…while Farrah and her hack job tit job from the bargain basement surgeon…is still fucking winning at life… She’s an icon, a beacon of hope…it’s just too bad she’s so mangled. JOIN THE NEWSLETTER YOU ASSHOLES! The post Farrah Abraham Nipples of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .
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Farrah Abraham Nipples of the Day