Tag Archives: own-identity

Mila Kunis was Slutty in The Edit of the day

The most disgusting thing about Mila Kunis is that she has let Ashton Kutcher cum inside her at least twice – creating a baby or two that will live this entitled life thanks to his dot com billions and her Hollywood money…when really, the world would have been a better place if he stuck with Demi Moore, who was unable to get pregnant, thanks to her uterus falling out during one of her plastic surgeries, coupled with her being old.. The fact is that it’s pretty sad that Kunis went running back to Kutcher after their teenage love affair on That 70s Show, after she was with CULKIN for a decade, never quite sucking his dick as well as Michael Jackson did.. I figure she went to the familiar rich place, like a friend she had a special bond with, instead of venturing out in the world getting Weinsteined…or really doing anything but ending up with Kutcher, that guy is fucking annoying. She posed slutty for some magazine called The Edit, because she’s promoting some movie or some shit, and the whole thing is probably exciting to her creeper fans who have been following her forever and can’t get enough of her, even though she’s old… Mom tits being used to trick you into thinking she’s hot so that she gets cast in movies and paid…all these money grubbers everywhere… The post Mila Kunis was Slutty in The Edit of the day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Mila Kunis was Slutty in The Edit of the day

The Girl Lebron Tried to Fuck of the Day

Her name is Heidi Hoback…and she’s getting all famous for all the right reasons..and those reasons are slutty instagram photos that lured pro athletes like LeBron to try to fuck her.or get hunting lessons from her – because she’s a slutty hunting instagram personality. Her instagram is HEIDI HOBACK and long story short, LeBron slipped into her DMs…trying to get his fuck on…even though LeBron is married, as most of these rich dudes who fuck sluts from the internet are…it’s just nature’s way….girls like rich guys, they like locking in rich guys, they like marrying rich guys for the good life, and girls who are slutty on the internet like them too and don’t care if they are married. It’s hard to take her seriously, when you see her heart filter, bragging about killing animals in the most boring way, while getting her story straight… So no story here…but everyone is eager to shut a motherfucker down, call him a rapist, sexual assaulter, when dude could just be innocently flirting…why is the world so mean to the penis… The post The Girl Lebron Tried to Fuck of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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The Girl Lebron Tried to Fuck of the Day

Ireland Baldwin Nipple of the Day

Ireland Baldwin nipple in a shirt is the way we should all end our day – because Ireland Baldwin is a reminder that you don’t have it as bad as you could. You are not a spoiled entitled rich kid with a dad who called her a pig publicly, trying to navigate the world and find your own identity, but you are on the receiving end of her tit pics, nipples out, in her quest of being a confused twenty year old filled with angst….from beach girl, to rehab girl, and a few lesbian stints in between…she’s finally doing what matters…nipples… The post Ireland Baldwin Nipple of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepFather.com .

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Ireland Baldwin Nipple of the Day

Olesya Rulin is Fun of the Day

Who is Olesya Rulin? She’s some High School Musical and High School Musical 2 and High School Musical 3 Disney chick…none of us have ever heard of…I guess she played a girl in the back of the room or the “excited nerd” or something recurring but not critical to the plot of the genius that is the high school musical franchise…. Well, that bullshit is behind her, and she’s taking the right approach to carving her own identity in the world….through social media…for her fans….with pics like this….showing us just how diverse she is…or at least how rockin’ that ass is in booty shorts… Olesya Rulin…I am a fan….let’s do lunch and discuss our future.

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Olesya Rulin is Fun of the Day

TIMELINE: The Hobbit’s Troubled 75-Year Journey From Page to Screen

On Monday, somewhat incredibly, The Hobbit finally started filming . Amid the seemingly weekly reports of turmoil and lawsuits surrounding the two-part Hobbit film over the last few years, it’s easy to forget just how long this movie has been in production — and the minor miracle it is that not only is The Hobbit being filmed, but Peter Jackson is behind the camera. So let’s take a quick look back — a “Dummy’s Guide,” if you will — at the timeline associated with the long, torturous journey that finally got us to where we are today.

See the article here:
TIMELINE: The Hobbit’s Troubled 75-Year Journey From Page to Screen

This Here is Real: Kenan Thompson Cast in Party Starters

Perhaps this news can tide you over until that imaginary Stefon movie gets the green light: Saturday Night Live cast member Kenan Thompson has been cast in Party Starters , a “high concept comedy” from producer Lorne Michaels. Starters isn’t based on any of Thompson’s SNL characters, however, which begs the question: What up with that? (Nailed it.) [ Deadline ]

Continued here:
This Here is Real: Kenan Thompson Cast in Party Starters

In Praise of Elizabeth Taylor: Fierce in Her Very Softness

If Elizabeth Taylor, who died Wednesday at age 79 , was both a great star and a wonderful actress, she was also the frequent object of gentle, or not so gentle, ridicule. She is survived not just by her children and friends, but by lots of old jokes about her vast collection of husbands and diamonds, by the Saturday Night Live parody of her super-soft-focus “White Diamonds” perfume ad, by the legacy of being one-half of a famous couple (twice!) that even the New York Times casually refers to as Dickenliz. How does an actress hang onto her own identity, with so many people appropriating bits of it for their own aims?

Originally posted here:
In Praise of Elizabeth Taylor: Fierce in Her Very Softness

In Praise of Elizabeth Taylor: Fierce in Her Very Softness

If Elizabeth Taylor, who died Wednesday at age 79 , was both a great star and a wonderful actress, she was also the frequent object of gentle, or not so gentle, ridicule. She is survived not just by her children and friends, but by lots of old jokes about her vast collection of husbands and diamonds, by the Saturday Night Live parody of her super-soft-focus “White Diamonds” perfume ad, by the legacy of being one-half of a famous couple (twice!) that even the New York Times casually refers to as Dickenliz. How does an actress hang onto her own identity, with so many people appropriating bits of it for their own aims?

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In Praise of Elizabeth Taylor: Fierce in Her Very Softness

Jenna Dewan Lands Recurring Role on Melrose Place

There are worse things in the world than being known as Mrs. Channing Tatum

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Jenna Dewan Lands Recurring Role on Melrose Place