Tag Archives: the-cheesiest

Terry Richardson Comeback Photos of the Day

I guess a magazine called Document – felt it was only fair to give Terry – and icon in the photo world, hated by actual photographers for being a rockstar and a scam, who couldn’t actually take a photo, proving that photography is just about subject / location and pushing them – the device you capture it with doesn’t matter….a chance at taking pics again.. Some pussy bitch ass magazines and celebs have stopped working with him -because he has a bad rep – and they are scared.. but has never been charged with rape or sexual assault…meaning it’s all internet lies and trolls – just trolling for what they think is the feminist good – but that’s fucked up and a reminder that false rape allegations should land a cunt in jail… The fact is that Terry, married, a father of twins, is probably still a creeper perv, like all 50 year olds taking pics of 20 years old…but that doesn’t mean the whole world aren’t fucking pervs…everyone fucks, everyone is sex obsessed, even the uptight social justice warriors who campaign agains this guy..bullshit…but here are some of his recent pics…. Pretty boring pics….definitely…fucking boring… The post Terry Richardson Comeback Photos of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Terry Richardson Comeback Photos of the Day

Victoria’s Secret Bralette Commercial of the Day

Victoria’s Secret is so fucking cheesy. The girls in Victoria’s Secret are so fucking cheesy. They are just some mall brand bullshit quality nonsense that the mainstream buy into – and really that everyone buys into – because it’s functional, affordable, and stylish, despite raping China cheap later – to save money they can put into this shit like their team of models…the cheesiest fucking models. Yes, they are hot, but fuck they are lame…they marry people like Adam Levine and shit…they go to all the parties and are famous and know they are hot…and people want to associate with them because they are famous and hot…and it’s this weird cycle of garbage..supporting garbage… I like my models edgier and more interesting, but I guess when you’re offered a million dollars to stand around – you take it…But at least they are half naked when they do it…and naked in other work they do to remain edgy, but they are still just promo models to me…really hot promo models. The post Victoria’s Secret Bralette Commercial of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Victoria’s Secret Bralette Commercial of the Day

Charlotte McKinney Strategic Nude SHoot of the Day

Charlotte McKinney is one of the cheesiest bitches around. Sure she’s got huge tits and a relatively skinny body…and looks good from the neck down when naked…and sure she’s got herself semi famous, with a following, all because she has monster tits…and sure she somehow fucked her way onto dancing with the stars – before she was ever a star – because of her big tits….I mean at least other tits on Dancing with the Stars like Joanna Krupa had a 10 year low level career…this one…had done zero…very very odd…something that probably gives a bitch an ego….that she probably already had thanks to being a rich kid with big tits who everyone fed into because they like big tits… Whenever I look at her, in cheesy shoots like this, or in her own self produced shit, I think…damn those are big tits…why are they in Malibu and not working at Coyote Ugly or Hooters in Florida…it just makes no sense to me..but I guess she’s smart enough to scam harder, scam bigger…because when you have tits like that…they are a gift that open so many doors…so open those doors.. The post Charlotte McKinney Strategic Nude SHoot of the Day appeared first on DrunkenStepfather .

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Charlotte McKinney Strategic Nude SHoot of the Day

Brooke Burke’s “Wild On” Nipple in a Tank Top of the Day

I remember Wild On. A show where Brooke Burke, the host with fake tits in her bikini, would go to some of the cheesiest, lamest, frat boy, All American Spring Break parties Cancun and other dumps had to offer, before switching her life up where the on “Wild On” happens in the playground with her 10 kids, or on twitter when tweeting about how much she loves her fucking family life, or apparently in her white shirt as one of her nipples goes of and plays on its own leaving the other one alone and confused… Here are the pics… Pics via PacificCoastNews

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Brooke Burke’s “Wild On” Nipple in a Tank Top of the Day

The 100 Cheesiest Movie Quotes of All Time

I think some of the cheesiest lines are some of the best lines of all. [Editor's Note: “I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass” is BuzzFeed's new Mission Statement.] Contribute: Add an image, link, video or comment