Tag Archives: horrible-humans

Dioni Tabbers Hot Nipples for HERO UK 2013 of the Day

DIONI TABBBERS is some low level, insignificant, yet packaged as up-and-coming- cuz that is code word for “Maybe she’s make it” and as far as I am concerned she sure as hell should make it…cuz she gets naked for it….and that’s pretty much the right kind of eagerness…even if her other job option was working in some redlight district brothel in her home country, the Netherlands…..cuz fashion porn isn’t porn at all…it’s fashion people… This is a shoot for Hero UK….some magazine…that I love…but maybe cuz the late 70s early 80s erotica…reminds me of my molested as a child childhood…Good times.

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Dioni Tabbers Hot Nipples for HERO UK 2013 of the Day

Dioni Tabbers Hot Nipples for HERO UK 2013 of the Day

DIONI TABBBERS is some low level, insignificant, yet packaged as up-and-coming- cuz that is code word for “Maybe she’s make it” and as far as I am concerned she sure as hell should make it…cuz she gets naked for it….and that’s pretty much the right kind of eagerness…even if her other job option was working in some redlight district brothel in her home country, the Netherlands…..cuz fashion porn isn’t porn at all…it’s fashion people… This is a shoot for Hero UK….some magazine…that I love…but maybe cuz the late 70s early 80s erotica…reminds me of my molested as a child childhood…Good times.

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Dioni Tabbers Hot Nipples for HERO UK 2013 of the Day

Ke$ha’s Orgy Music Video of the Day

Katy Perry’s best friend…or as I like to call it…her jealous leech of a friend who she used to be all fucking gutter and lame at hipster parties before Katy Perry tits lured a relatively famous black recording artist who introduced her to all his friends….leading to her career…and by default her BFF Ke$ha’s career….cuz that’s just what horrible humans do for each other…they pollute the world with garbage….is sexing it up in her new video….wearing lingerie and trying to be erotic…doing anything she can for hits…views and to beat Katy Perry at her own game….which I doubt she will do.. Luckily post production….erased WHAT SHE ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE HALF NAKED

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Ke$ha’s Orgy Music Video of the Day