Tag Archives: home-pregnancy

Courtney Stodden Flaunts Baby Bump in Teeny Bikini!

You may have heard the news that Courtney Stodden is pregnant with her first child. But if you thought that would stop her from posting revealing pics of herself on Instagram, pfffft! Please! Courtney is still gonna Courtney, and in her latest bikini pic, she’s showin’ how she’s growin’. She captioned the pic with a message condemning the fat-shaming of pregnant women, which, sadly, is a thing. (See: Blac Chyna .) “Stop fat shaming pregnant woman,” Courtney wrote. “Honestly. If our society thinks that it’s actually ok to say a pregnant woman is ‘fat’ there’s something seriously wrong with it.” She included the hashtags #babyontheway and #picklecocktail, in case you’re wondering what she’s drinking. The pregnancy news reportedly leaked last month after the child bride and husband Doug Hutchison sent a video to friends of Courtney getting the results of a home pregnancy test. A few days later, Courtney confirmed the pregnancy , albeit reluctantly. She said she hadn’t planned on making the announcement so soon, but went ahead after hearing about the leak. “It’s a bittersweet time for me right now,” Stodden said. “I’m dealing with a lot of stress and emotions surrounding life and its ups and downs.”  “Doug and I weren’t planning on going public with this so soon.”  “I’m only four weeks along in my pregnancy. But some things are out of your control,” she added. Shortly after breaking the news, Courtney revealed that she was suffering from depression . We don’t know if it’s a longstanding problem, hormone-related or a condition stemming from the fact that she had her life taken away when she married a 50-year-old has-been actor when she was just 16. Whatever the case, we do hope her spirits rise.

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Courtney Stodden Flaunts Baby Bump in Teeny Bikini!

Ke$ha’s Orgy Music Video of the Day

Katy Perry’s best friend…or as I like to call it…her jealous leech of a friend who she used to be all fucking gutter and lame at hipster parties before Katy Perry tits lured a relatively famous black recording artist who introduced her to all his friends….leading to her career…and by default her BFF Ke$ha’s career….cuz that’s just what horrible humans do for each other…they pollute the world with garbage….is sexing it up in her new video….wearing lingerie and trying to be erotic…doing anything she can for hits…views and to beat Katy Perry at her own game….which I doubt she will do.. Luckily post production….erased WHAT SHE ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE HALF NAKED

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Ke$ha’s Orgy Music Video of the Day

Rita Ora’s Nipple While Performing of the Day

Rita Ora is some Rihanna wannabe from the UK…who is actually getting pretty fucking famous…and is even signed to Jay-Z’s label like she was Rihanna…kinda creeping me out at least it would if I was Rihanna…like this younger…lighter skinned bitch…is stepping on my motherfuckin’ toes…I’m gonna set her up like she was Chris Brown…. Only unlike Rihanna…Rita Ora…has gone straight to the half nakedness… flashing panties and flashing nipples before….and now more importantly…wearing low cut shirts on stage at Red Bull events with no bra…like a good girl…all floppin around…titties everywhere…for me to want in my mouth.

Rita Ora’s Nipple While Performing of the Day

What Crabs Mean to Me of the Day

This is the best video of all time….about what crabs mean to a nice old lady….Crabs are an STD of the past thanks to bush being murdered, waxed and non existent…. I kinda feel bummed that the last time I had crabs was after taking a shit at a rave while high on speed in the early 90s….not cuz they are fun…but because I love the bush that comes with them…. All this to say that this video is amazing…I guess old ladies talking about Crabs can only be amazing….especially when they say “Fucked my pee hole with a home pregnancy test” —– Thanks Josh for all the Crabs Best video ever.

Originally posted here:
What Crabs Mean to Me of the Day

What Crabs Mean to Me of the Day

This is the best video of all time….about what crabs mean to a nice old lady….Crabs are an STD of the past thanks to bush being murdered, waxed and non existent…. I kinda feel bummed that the last time I had crabs was after taking a shit at a rave while high on speed in the early 90s….not cuz they are fun…but because I love the bush that comes with them…. All this to say that this video is amazing…I guess old ladies talking about Crabs can only be amazing….especially when they say “Fucked my pee hole with a home pregnancy test” —– Thanks Josh for all the Crabs Best video ever.

Originally posted here:
What Crabs Mean to Me of the Day

Holly Madison Speaks on Pregnancy, Cravings

Holly Madison and Kendra Wilkinson once shared a very old man. But despite the fact that Madison is pregnant with her first child, and Kendra has already gone through such an experience, Holly recently said she hasn’t heard a peep from her former pal/sexmate since news of her status broke. “No, not at all, not yet,” Holly told Hollyscoop when asked about contact with Kendra. Still, she’s holding up okay, eating right and getting her exercise. “I got a bunch of videos for at home pregnancy yoga, pregnancy palates… so I try to work out everyday,” Madison said . As for those infamous cravings? “The only craving that I’ve had is blueberries, but it’s been super strong. I’ve been making blueberry muffins and blueberry smoothies. At least its something healthy.” True. Unlike intercourse with a senior citizen.

See the original post here:
Holly Madison Speaks on Pregnancy, Cravings