Tag Archives: happen-if-mitt

Holly Madison Speaks on Pregnancy, Cravings

Holly Madison and Kendra Wilkinson once shared a very old man. But despite the fact that Madison is pregnant with her first child, and Kendra has already gone through such an experience, Holly recently said she hasn’t heard a peep from her former pal/sexmate since news of her status broke. “No, not at all, not yet,” Holly told Hollyscoop when asked about contact with Kendra. Still, she’s holding up okay, eating right and getting her exercise. “I got a bunch of videos for at home pregnancy yoga, pregnancy palates… so I try to work out everyday,” Madison said . As for those infamous cravings? “The only craving that I’ve had is blueberries, but it’s been super strong. I’ve been making blueberry muffins and blueberry smoothies. At least its something healthy.” True. Unlike intercourse with a senior citizen.

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Holly Madison Speaks on Pregnancy, Cravings

Mitt Romney Visits Sesame Street, Incurs Wrath of Big Bird & Friends

According to the majority of poll respondents, Mitt Romney won the presidential debate Wednesday. Still, he produced the oddest comment of the night by a mile. In response to a question about what government-funded programs and ventures he would cut, Mitt gave the curious example of PBS … despite his love for Big Bird . What would happen if Mitt actually visited Sesame Street and gave the pink slip to the affable avian giant and his puppet pals? Something along these lines: Mitt Romney on Sesame Street

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Mitt Romney Visits Sesame Street, Incurs Wrath of Big Bird & Friends