Britney Spears recorded “Telephone” before Lady Gaga … according to sketchy reports and a “leaked” demo purported to be Spears’ original recording of it. According to Gawker, Lady Gaga wrote the tune for Britney, who passed on it for her Circus album. Ol’ Peg Leg took it back for herself, and it became a hit. Perez Hilton is convinced that it’s Britney doing Gaga’s ” Telephone .” Spears’ longest-running fan site, World of Britney, denies the vocals are by its namesake. “There was almost no Auto Tune in the actual song,” the site said. “It was raw vocals and that isn’t the song. Those of you with ears can hear its [sic] not B.” Um, okay … because Britney Spears is all about raw vocal ability and never uses Auto Tune or any sort of overdubs or enhancements whatsoever … no way. Take a listen to this “Telephone” and comment below: Britney Spears: Telephone Is the story true? Is the recording even her? Is it any good? Is it an attempt to siphon Gaga’s fame (like her manager’s campaign for a Britney Glee episode )? You tell us. What do you think of “Britney’s” version?
The rest is here:
Did Britney Spears Record "Telephone" Before Lady Gaga?
Posted in Celebrities, Gossip
Tagged actual, Britney Spears, celeb news, circus, glee, Gossip, Lady GaGa, manager, telephone, the-recording, TMZ, vocals, wrote-the-tune