Tag Archives: years-it-really

My names Kelly and finally after 3 years, I have a Bieber…

My names Kelly and finally after 3 years, I have a Bieber Experience. So unforgettable. It all started on June 14th on a trip to camp out for Justin on the Today Show with my bestfriend Miranda. After arriving, setting up our area and a couple hours of downtime, we saw Maxwell from Q102 on the corner. I ran up to him and turns out he had just come from lunch with Justin. After about 10 minutes or more of begging, he finally told a small group of us he was doing an interview at Sirius XM. Miranda and I GPS’d it and we were off. Having no idea where we were going, we passed it but on our way back I spotted the place Justin had lunch. Next to it was about 5 black Escalades and decided that was probably Justin. As I turned the corner, I spotted a group and coming out was Kenny. I ran faster than I ever have in my life and got there right in time. Justin was getting in his car and I got right in front and couldn’t get anything out of my mouth expect, “OHMYGOD OHMYGOD.” All I could think was I need a to get a picture (which really didn’t work so well since I could stand still) but I did get one, it’s really blurry but it’s him. The only think I could do was stick my hand and he held it and that’s when I really lost it. I started crying and all he did was smile and laugh . For about a half hour, all I could do was cry. I couldn’t believe after 3 years it really happened. And so unexpected. That just makes it so much more special I think. Although I didn’t get a picture or get to tell him all the things I’ve ever wanted to, I still wouldn’t change a thing. That whole night I couldn’t stop thinking about it, I didn’t think anything would be able to beat that and it really made camping out in the streets of NYC worth the wait for seeing him on the Today Show. The next morning they started moving us for the concert. I was pretty far back so I didn’t expect to get close (and I was right) when the concert started, I couldn’t see him at all for the whole concert which was upsetting but I still felt lucky to be there. I had always wanted to go and although I couldn’t see him I still could hear him and that’s all that matters. Those two days are days I will never ever forget and will never regret. See the original post: My names Kelly and finally after 3 years, I have a Bieber…

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My names Kelly and finally after 3 years, I have a Bieber…