Tag Archives: yell-at-barbara

Jenelle Evans: My Son is Being Violent Because He Wants to Live with Me!

After years and years of watching Teen Mom 2, we all know quite a bit about Jenelle Evans, don't we? For instance, we know that she's one of those people who tend to create their own version of events , reality be damned. You can see several examples of this in her new book — remember how she claimed that her mother tricked her into giving up custody of her oldest son, Jace, even though she was the best mom ever? Meanwhile, we all remember seeing how it really played out in early seasons of the show, and we definitely remember her willingly signing over custody to the long-suffering Barbara Evans. Still, Jenelle insists on trying to paint herself in a positive light, even if she doesn't deserve it. And if you still don't know what we're talking about, then just check out this truly bizarre deleted scene from this week's episode of Teen Mom 2 . As you may remember from the episode, Jace has been acting out recently — so much that he threw a toy at Barbara and bruised her face. Jenelle and Babs talked about getting him into therapy, which seems like a good idea. The poor kid has been through a lot in his eight years. But in this clip, Teen Mom's hottest mess reveals some additional details about the situation. Things start off with Jenelle and her fiancé, David Eason, having a little chat in a restaurant while baby Ensley sleeps soundly in her car seat. They talk about taking some photos with all the kids this weekend, and she mentions that she's excited for Jace to meet Ensley for the first time. Then she tells him that “He freaked out a school and he threw something at my mom, and like busted her nose.” “And she, like, doesn't understand why he's freaking out, and she calls me and says 'Oh, he's being bad' and everything.” “And then I'm like 'Well, I got my hands tied, what do you want me to do? I'm not there to discipline him and you don't let me have him , so …'” She says that Barbara has been telling Jace's teachers that she doesn't know why he's “freaking out,” and that “I feel bad for him because it's like no one knows the truth and they're believing my mom.” If you're wondering what the hell she's talking about, you're not alone. But hang on, she gets to her point real quick … “I know the truth,” she tells David. “I know why he's freaking out. He's freaking out because he wants to live here. And that's why he's being bad.” … Really, Jenelle? That's why Jace is acting out and being violent, because he wants to live with you? She says that she hopes Jace isn't mad at her because he still doesn't live with her, and that “I want Jace to come live with me so bad, he doesn't even know the truth.” What truth?! The clip ends with Jenelle telling David that she's “trying everything in my power” to get Jace back. It's just so bizarre that she thinks that her son is behaving the way he is because he wants to live with her … like is that really the scenario that makes the most sense? Maybe he's reacting to the years and years of seeing Jenelle scream and yell at Barbara — maybe she's never shown her respect, and he's learning that. Or maybe he's starting to realize how unstable his childhood has been, especially since his mother just had another baby when she still doesn't have custody of him. There are a lot of reasons why poor Jace could be acting out, but a desperation to live with Jenelle doesn't seem super likely. Watch the odd scene below:

The rest is here:
Jenelle Evans: My Son is Being Violent Because He Wants to Live with Me!