Tag Archives: young-campers

Moonrise Kingdom Cast Gathers For Frowny ‘Vintage Team Photo’

You’ve seen the trailer . You’ve parsed the poster . Now study in the stern countenances awaiting you in Moonrise Kingdom , Wes Anderson’s Cannes-opening reverie for which a new “vintage team photo” is making the rounds. To my knowledge, this is the first and probably only time we’ll get Anderson’s ensemble — including Bill Murray, Bruce Willis, Frances McDormand, Edward Norton and the young campers of New Penzance Island — in one place before the film hits theaters next month. Except for Tilda Swinton, I guess; “Social Services” just gets a picture frame. And Snoopy R.I.P.? Nooo! Whatever. It’s better Photoshop than this . [Click for bigger; via Focus Features] Follow S.T. VanAirsdale on Twitter . Follow Movieline on Twitter .

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Moonrise Kingdom Cast Gathers For Frowny ‘Vintage Team Photo’