Tag Archives: young-daughters

Anna Shannon: Mama June Stole All My Money to Buy a Car For Mark McDaniel!

When news broke that June Shannon was dating convicted child molester Mark McDaniel, it initially seemed like the situation couldn’t get much worse. Well, it did. We later learned that June’s daughter Anna Shannon was McDaniel’s victim , and that he had been imprisoned for ten years after sexually assaulting her when she was just 8 years old. Now, it seems that not only is Shannon exposing her young daughters to McDaniel , she may have actually stolen from Anna’s trust fund to buy McDaniel a car. The fund had recently held $30,000 but Anna says she received a notice last week informing her that the balance was down to $17. “I have a feeling Mama used that to buy a car and buy Mark what he wanted,” Anna told E! News during an interview. June denies the allegations, saying she never withdrew any money, and never purchased a car for McDaniel. On October 26, however, Shannon purchased two used Nissans and sent one to a Decatur, GA address that’s registered to McDaniel. Anna has stated in the past that she partially blames her mother for the abuse that she suffered, and fears for the safety of her sisters with McDaniel in their house. “Mama can be very selfish,” Anna said recently. “I think Mama keeps secrets a lot.” Here Comes Honey Boo Boo and Family 1. Reality TV Family This family is way more famous than you are. It’s just unclear why, exactly.

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Anna Shannon: Mama June Stole All My Money to Buy a Car For Mark McDaniel!