Tag Archives: young-it-girl

Missy Rayder Tits for Vogue Ukraine of the Day

Missy Rayder is some 40 year old model who was probably a lot more relevant when she was 18…and working for every major company..it was the 90s…pre internet which means she virtually barely exists now…but if you are old as fuck – you may have masturbated to her in some fashion magazine showing tits before…and now she’s letting you masturbate to her showing tits now….. She is the younger sister of Franke Rayder, who was an SI model…in like 1992. I used to be friends with their other sister, who wasn’t a model, but she developed a drug addiction and disappeared…or something equally typical…the sister I was friends with never sent me nudes…or maybe she did…I don’t remember but I do know that all I see when I look at these pics is the countless dudes in 90s bands who have probably cum all over these tits…you know when she was a young it girl…I’m thinking at least

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Missy Rayder Tits for Vogue Ukraine of the Day

Kelly Monaco Suntanning Topless Like it was the 90s of the Day

Kelly Monaco and her 37 year old Playboy model from the 90s tits, that have probably had a few upgrades since the 90s, forgot that it wasn’t the 90s anymore…and posted sexy pics of herself on the internet either hoping someone still cared, or because she doesn’t realize people don’t care, she’s still stuck in the 90s or what she calls the glory days, when she matters, because no one like to focus on a time when they are totally irrelevant…at least that’s my theory as over analyze a smutty instagram pic of an ex Playboy chick, because I’m pathetic.

See the article here:
Kelly Monaco Suntanning Topless Like it was the 90s of the Day

Hailey Clauson for Love & Lemons of the Day

Hailey Clauson is a young it girl from LA, who has been booking all kinds of hipster type campaigns, because she’s got a good look and lives in that world…. She was an Urban Outfitters girl, before suing Urban Outfitters, for posting slutty pics of her at 16…something you’d think would have killed her career, but that didn’t because she turned 18 and now does all kinds of shit like Guess, Sports Illustrated, Beach Bunny, and now awesome instagram famous Love and Lemons pics in a trailer park…shot by Zooey Grossman …who is a pretty good photog…at least based on these amazing, young, it girl modelling pics…. I like her.

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Hailey Clauson for Love & Lemons of the Day