Tag Archives: your-religion

O’Donnell In 1999: ‘I Dabbled Into Witchcraft’

Here is one for the tea party .. America really needs to be a place where you can celebrate diversity and practice your religion Last Friday, remarks emerged from an appearance the Delaware Republican made during a 1999 taping of “Politically Incorrect,” in which she acknowledged that she had “dabbled into witchcraft” but “never joined a coven.” “Yes, this was 11 years ago she said that,” said Reverend Selena Fox, the High Priestess & Senior Minister of the Circle Sanctuary a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting paganism and nature spirituality. “But the kinds of things she is saying now, saying 'well in high school you are with despicable characters' or some such thing, she is actually defaming Wiccans. Whether she intends to do that or not as a way to try and get herself out of this political problem she has created for herself, the fact is America really needs to be a place where you can celebrate diversity and practice your religion without getting ridiculed or defamed.” “Diotima Mantineia” reached out to the Huffington Post to offer further condemnation of O'Donnell's initial witchcraft remarks. Making the point that there is a “very large pagan community in Delaware,” Mantineia called the Delaware Republican's conflation of witchcraft and Satanism “disappointing.” I really have to question what she is talking about because witchcraft and Satanism are two different things… witches or Wiccans do not believe in Satan. We don't even believe that Satan exists. Satan is a Christian deity of some kind. He is part of the Christian religion not ours. We worship nature; we work very closely with nature. We do not have blood on our altar and we have little to do with Satan. So I don't know what Ms. O'Donnell is talking about. I wonder if she knows what she was talking about. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/09/18/odonnell-witchcraft-politically-incorre… added by: Nocturnus