Lawd have mercy AskMen’s 99 Most Desirable Women Of 2012 The year is coming to a close and that means it’s time for “top-such-and-such of 2012″ lists. AskMen has taken the liberty to rank the most desirable women of the past year. Surprisingly, some of you favorites might not be ranked where you’d think they would be. Via AskMen What does it really mean to be a desirable woman? Is it solely about a pretty face or a career accomplishment? Is it about having perfect proportions or about being “wife material”? You answered these questions by voting in our annual Top 99. And judging from your responses and those of our staff, one thing is clear: Desirability isn’t any one of these things, but all of them. You chose women who represent the complete package of beauty, brains, ambition and charm. And we think you chose wisely. From young up-and-comers to Top 99 vets, here are the women who make all our hearts skip a collective beat. Hit the flipper to see which notable celeb ladies rounded out the top 30, we have a feeling that the Stans aren’t gonna like where there “King Bey” was placed on this list!
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For The Fellas (And Some Of You Ladies): The Notable Bangers From AskMen’s “Top 99 Women Of 2013″ (Part 2)