Tag Archives: your-whethered

Ivana Trump’s Bikini Pictures of the Day

There comes an age when you decide that it’s time to retire the bikini and put on a fuckin’ loose fitting one piece, because revealing your whethered senior body is offensive at the aquarobics class at the fucking YMCA. I guess Ivana’s just a little delusional, because she’s constantly fuckin’ young, 20 something boy toys, who you can assume are not doin’ it because they find her hot, and they aren’t doing it for Ivanka who is too busy converting to be jew for her future really rich husband, but they are doing it because they are getting fucking paid enough to close their eyes and pretend they actually feel something tightness in her loose, dry, weathered vagina or pretend they aren’t kneading a doughy bread, everytime they grab her tits, or feel like they are playing on a bouncy castle, or drowning in a sea of slop while fucking her missionary, because otherwise, there’d be no way any human could stay hard while up in this.

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Ivana Trump’s Bikini Pictures of the Day