British Soccer Star Leaves Blonde Becky GF Behind For Vacation…Marries Senegalese Volleyball Star Behind Her Back

Soccer Star Leaves The Country, Gets Married Behind Girlfriend’s Back This has to be one of the harshest ways to discover that you’re a side-chick . A British woman was shocked to find out that her soccer star boyfriend, who was supposed to be on a month-long vacation to his home country of Senegal, got married behind her back to an international Volleyball star just days after they parted ways. Via MailOnline : Newcastle footballer Papiss Cisse has left his on-off girlfriend heartbroken after telling her he was going on holiday only to marry a volleyball player three days later. Rachelle Graham, 24, a beauty queen and former Miss Newcastle, says last week she said goodbye to the Senegalese striker, 30, believing he was off to spend a month in his homeland. But after he failed to return her texts she became worried and went online, finding a picture of her love’s wedding to sportswoman Diallo Awa, 29, at a yacht club outside Paris. More photos of the smiling couple’s wedding in Paris have since surfaced, with friends saying they suspect his religion and family prevented the two from having a future together. They had broken up last year after trolls abused them because it was a mixed race relationship – but Miss Graham claimed recently they had started seeing each other more regularly again. Miss Graham told The Sun: ‘I’m hurt and disgusted to learn Papiss has got married without me knowing after we spent so much time together recently. But it’s his life and if this is what he has chosen to do there is nothing much I can do about it. I just wish he had the decency to tell me first.’ But friends say that the relationship between Papiss and Rachelle was never all that serious… Last night a friend of Cisse said the footballer had not been in a relationship with Miss Graham since the pair split last year. ‘Papiss was not seeing that girl, despite what she says. They may have met socially on occasion since their split but they were not in a romantic relationship together anymore and haven’t been for some time.’ Hmmm…well if she wasn’t his girlfriend, he sure did a poor job of making that clear. How is it that NO ONE in all of Great Britain knew he was engaged to another woman?

British Soccer Star Leaves Blonde Becky GF Behind For Vacation…Marries Senegalese Volleyball Star Behind Her Back

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