What is “Ziggin” spelled backwards? Yeah… Allegheny Port Authority To Remove Racist Slogans From Public Buses Via TribLive Port Authority of Allegheny County said Wednesday it will remove promotional slogans on nine buses that appear to spell a racial slur when read backward or viewed in a mirror. Transit agency spokesman Jim Ritchie said a driver complained Tuesday after seeing the message “Ziggin Zaggin” on a bus in her vehicle’s rear-view mirror. “Port Authority certainly did not intend for this message to offend anyone,” agency spokesman Jim Ritchie said. “However, due to recent complaints about how this message appears when read backward, we have decided to remove the message from our vehicles,” Ritchie said. “We apologize to anyone who may have been offended.” “Ziggin Zaggin” was part of a larger promotional campaign that put messages such as “Rockin’ Rollin’,” “Movin’ Groovin’,” and “Movin’ Shakin’ ” on the sides of buses in 2003. All of the buses bearing those slogans are within a year of being retired from Port Authority’s 700-bus fleet. Ritchie said agency workers would peel off the decals. If the outline of the letters still can be seen when the letters are gone, Ritchie said the agency would “find a way to cover it with advertising of some sort” within the next couple of weeks. The work will “probably cost us nothing extra,” Ritchie said. Is this petty or do you think people have the right to be offended by this slogan? Image via CBS (Pittsburgh)
See the article here:
Racist Rides: Pittsburgh Public Buses To Have Backwards Bigoted “Ziggin Zaggin” Slogans Removed