Lindsay loves to take selfies. Unfortunately, Lindsay likes to use Photoshop to alter her selfies, because she apparently thinks her Instagram followers are just as coke-addled and unable to spot a fraudulent thigh gap as she is. Perhaps the fact that the Internet is constantly making fun of Lohan’s horrendous Photoshop skills (She’s really quite bad at retouching.) has inspired her to go in the opposite direction and jump on the makeup-free selfie bandwagon: Yes, nude Lindsay Lohan photos are nothing new, but nude- faced Lohan is something we haven’t seen in quite some time. Remarkably, it looks as though she’s holding up quite well. We’re a bit surprised because: One she’s been treating her body like a pharmaceutical testing lab for at least the past decade, and Sources say Lohan has been partying harder than ever since finally being released from probation. But hey, we guess never stepping outside during the daytime for your entire adult like will help you avoid those harmful UV rays. It also doesn’t hurt that Lindsay cranked up the lighting on this to give her that wrinkle-free, washed-out Nosferatu look. Anyway, we’re just talking smack. The girl looks good, and whether that means she’s taking better care of herself or just that she’s learned how to hide her flaws without resorting to retouching, we’ve gotta give props where they’re due. View Slideshow: 29 Wackest Photos of Lindsay Lohan
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Lindsay Lohan Posts Makeup-Free Selfie, Remains Freckly