Three Delaware Teens Charged In Connection With High School Bathroom Brawl That Left 16-Year-Old Student Dead

Three Teens Charged In Amy Joyner-Francis’ Death The tragic passing of 16 year old Amy Joyner-Francis after getting ambushed by three classmates first thing in the morning in a school bathroom struck a chord with millions. Now, the girls who jumped Amy are being charged with causing her death. Though investigators originally thought that Amy’s head struck the bathroom sink at some point during the attack, it turns out that she was simply put under too much stress during the fight and it triggered a heart condition that she was already battling. Via DelawareOnline : Amy Inita Joyner-Francis, the 16-year-old fatally assaulted in the girls bathroom at Howard High School of Technology, did not die of injuries sustained in the beating, but from a pre-existing heart condition exacerbated by the attack. An autopsy showed she did not die of blunt force trauma. “In layman’s terms, the Medical Examiner determined that Amy died from a cardiac incident that she was vulnerable to because of a pre-existing heart condition, but the cardiac incident would not have occurred if she had not been assaulted,” the statement reads. However, the girls who planned the attack on Amy are still held criminally liable for her death: The state Attorney General’s Office is pushing to have one of three girls involved tried as an adult. Trinity Carr, 16, seen in video punching Joyner-Francis in the head and chest, is charged with criminally negligent homicide, punishable by up to eight years in prison. The two other girls, Zion Snow and Chakeira Wright, will be charged with third-degree criminal conspiracy, punishable by up to one year in prison. Because neither of the other two girls hit Amy nor had prior arrests, they will be tried as juveniles in Family Court. Investigators determined the April 21 fight was a planned confrontation in the girl’s bathroom, but only one girl – Carr – actually hit Amy, according to a statement by the Attorney General’s Office. The fight was filmed, according to court documents, and shows Carr hitting Amy repeatedly in the head and torso area with “what appears to be a closed fist.” The video shows Carr leave and Amy try to stand up; then Amy appears disoriented and collapses back onto the floor, the court documents show. When paramedics found her, she was unresponsive and shortly after went into cardiac arrest. SMH! One life lost and three others ruined…all over something that they surely could have talked out or just forgotten about altogether… Facebook

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Three Delaware Teens Charged In Connection With High School Bathroom Brawl That Left 16-Year-Old Student Dead

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