Pumpkin spice lattes. David S. Pumpkins. Donald Trump. It seems everywhere you look you’re confronted by something orange and obnoxious these days. Perhaps we could all learn a lesson from young Rachel in the clip below who decided if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em: Girl Sticks Head Inside Pumpkin, Regrets It The video was uploaded by a woman with the YouTube name Kristy Ralphs. She explains it thusly: “So this is my daughter attempting to stick her head in her pumpkin 20 seconds after I started filming our family pumpkin carving. Didn’t really turn out as she expected but definitely worth a good laugh for the rest of us though! “And YES, she did make it out just fine a few minutes after this video ended.” Yes, the poor girl’s head was stuck inside that damn pumpkin for so long her mom gave up and stopped filming. Fortunately, she eventually posted a sequel: Girl Survives Pumpkin Attack Thankfully, Rachel survived her terrifying run-in with the orange menace. Hopefully we’ll be able to say the same about our nation on November 8. Yes, that was another #Trumpkin joke. We’re getting ’em in while we can! Sue us! Just kidding, please don’t actually sue us, Donald. Anyway, let’s focus on what we can learn from Rachel’s predicament. There’s the obvious lesson of: don’t stick your head in a freakin’ pumpkin, but there’s so much more that can be taken away from this. Namely, the fact that you never know when the opportunity to achieve viral fame will arise, so you should be ready to record at a moment’s notice. In fact, just to be safe, you should probably just wear an iPhone on your chest like a cop’s body camera to ensure that your Chewbacca Mom moment doesn’t elude you. Hilarious Mom Puts on Chewbacca Mask, Internet Falls in Love In a way, Rachel sacrificed her own dignity just to teach us this lesson. When you think about it, she’s basically Pumpkin Jesus. View Slideshow: 11 Viral Stars You’ve Probably Forgotten About: Where Are They Now? Which is probably what Trump’s staff calls him when he’s not around. Sorry, we had to sneak one more in there. Shoutout to Rachel for giving us the opportunity to drop so many topical gourd gags. Also, props for not pummeling that kid who won’t stop singing the same damn line over and over. Truly, Pumpkin Girl is the best among us.
See the original post:
Non-Brilliant Teen Gets Head Stuck Inside Pumpkin