Pumpkin spice lattes. David S. Pumpkins. Donald Trump. It seems everywhere you look you’re confronted by something orange and obnoxious these days. Perhaps we could all learn a lesson from young Rachel in the clip below who decided if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em: Girl Sticks Head Inside Pumpkin, Regrets It The video was uploaded by a woman with the YouTube name Kristy Ralphs. She explains it thusly: “So this is my daughter attempting to stick her head in her pumpkin 20 seconds after I started filming our family pumpkin carving. Didn’t really turn out as she expected but definitely worth a good laugh for the rest of us though! “And YES, she did make it out just fine a few minutes after this video ended.” Yes, the poor girl’s head was stuck inside that damn pumpkin for so long her mom gave up and stopped filming. Fortunately, she eventually posted a sequel: Girl Survives Pumpkin Attack Thankfully, Rachel survived her terrifying run-in with the orange menace. Hopefully we’ll be able to say the same about our nation on November 8. Yes, that was another #Trumpkin joke. We’re getting ’em in while we can! Sue us! Just kidding, please don’t actually sue us, Donald. Anyway, let’s focus on what we can learn from Rachel’s predicament. There’s the obvious lesson of: don’t stick your head in a freakin’ pumpkin, but there’s so much more that can be taken away from this. Namely, the fact that you never know when the opportunity to achieve viral fame will arise, so you should be ready to record at a moment’s notice. In fact, just to be safe, you should probably just wear an iPhone on your chest like a cop’s body camera to ensure that your Chewbacca Mom moment doesn’t elude you. Hilarious Mom Puts on Chewbacca Mask, Internet Falls in Love In a way, Rachel sacrificed her own dignity just to teach us this lesson. When you think about it, she’s basically Pumpkin Jesus. View Slideshow: 11 Viral Stars You’ve Probably Forgotten About: Where Are They Now? Which is probably what Trump’s staff calls him when he’s not around. Sorry, we had to sneak one more in there. Shoutout to Rachel for giving us the opportunity to drop so many topical gourd gags. Also, props for not pummeling that kid who won’t stop singing the same damn line over and over. Truly, Pumpkin Girl is the best among us.
Heidi Klum is one of the best looking human beings on the planet. But she covers up those looks every year on October 31, showcasing truly unique and creative Halloween costumes that leave fans talking years after she rocks them in public. Heidi Klum as a very old woman? Heidi Klum as a walking cadaver? Yes and yes! See all the amazing costumes Klum has come up with below… 1. A Gorgeous Granny Yup, those are varicose veins all over Klum’s body. Talk about going all out for a costume! 2. Inside Heidi Klum Many men around the world have wanted to go inside Heidi Klum. But they probably didn’t mean it like this. 3. Out of This World! This costume sure it out of this world. Going as an alien isn’t all that creative, but no one goes all out like Heidi Klum does. 4. Something to Crow About Using a mini-skirt, fishnet-stockings and full-on black feathers, Klum became a crow. We love this outfit because it’s so random. Who thought of her dressing as a crow?!? 5. A Controversial Costume Klum actually got in some trouble for dressing as Kali, an Indian goddess who come believed should not have been mocked in any way. 6. A Beautiful Butterfly Klum went as a colorful butterfly in 2014. We’re not entirely sure how she squeezed through doors in this thing. View Slideshow
It sure seems like we’re in for a thrilling final season for The Vampire Diaries! On The Vampire Diaries Season 8 Episode 2 , Bonnie, Stefan and Caroline tried their best to get Damon and Enzo back, but it failed miserably. Let’s start with the HUGE opening scene. Damon walks into a bar and finds Sybil an evil person to eat. It’s sort of his sole purpose right about now, but I’m digging it. Sybil revealed she checked the internet and compelled her victim to drown in the water calmly, so he she would have a better experience of consuming him. However, Damon had other ideas and revealed the best way to kill is when the victim knows what’s happening. To which Sybil then let the dude drown in pain. She’s all for keeping it classy. Sybil was royally pissed that both Damon and Enzo were hiding stuff from her, so she went all-out in her quest to break Enzo’s spirit. The name Sarah Nelson popped up and that set us up for the big mission. If you are sitting there wondering who the heck Sarah Nelson is, don’t fret. Her name was actually Sarah Salvatore, but Enzo forced her to change her identity in order to stay safe. As you can probably expect, Enzo set out to murder two people named Sarah Nelson so that Stefan, Bonnie and Caroline could locate Sarah Salvatore before he, Damon and Sybil did. It was a good enough plan. Enzo and Damon set off to “kill” Sarah, but she was quick to inject Damon with some vervain in order to make a swift escape, but Enzo managed to talk her round. He filled her in on all the crazy details and headed back to her apartment. The troubling thing about all of it was that Bonnie, Stefan and Caroline were sitting pretty in the apartment. This floored Enzo, who did not expect to come face-to-face with Bonnie again. View Slideshow: 14 Times Your Favorite TV Characters Embraced The Single Life Enzo revealed the details of the hold Sybil had over him, but she persisted to have him return home. This resulted in her knocking him out and driving in the opposite direction. However, Enzo woke up and was less than impressed with Sybil’s siren calling him back. This forced Bonnie to turn around and let her go, but she botched the mission to save Sarah. Damon showed up and tried to murder Sarah, but Stefan managed to talk him round when he said she was a member of their family. With the three of them coming to a small agreement to get Sarah the heck out of town, Sybil showed up. As you can probably guess, she was all too happy to stick the knife right into Sarah’s stomach. With Sarah bleeding out, Sybil managed to intercept Damon’s memories and replaced all the memories of Elena with herself. Pretty smart. Right?! Fans of the show will no doubt be super annoyed, but Damon is now well and truly in cahoots with Sybil. Poor Sarah bled out on the spot and died. Damon and Sybil exited the scene with a smirk on each of their faces. Later, Sybil and Damon ambushed Enzo and we got a glimpse of Enzo getting some smooches from Bonnie. It was pretty clear the next one on the hit list had become Bonbon. Caroline made her feelings clear to Bonnie about ruining the mission. If you think about it, Bonnie was the one to blame for Sarah’s death. Bonnie was all too happy to reveal that her life was in pieces since losing Enzo. She noted that Caroline had her kids and Stefan. She had a point. This forced Caroline to reveal she will help save Enzo, no matter how long it takes. It’s probably going to take another 14 episodes because that’s how many episodes are left. Stefan was cut up about losing his last living relative, but he lightened the mood by proposing to Caroline and she totally said YES. The writers are being very nice to Steroline at the moment, but I see that changing very soon. In other events, Ric and his intern who was hot for teacher bonded. She revealed that she went to hell once for killing her best friend and basically gave herself a PHD in all things hell. She got wound up when she found the tattoo she had in the book, but the big twist came when she found an object that had been created in hell. Yikes, we’re only on episode 2 and things are already getting crazy! If you to watch The Vampire Diaries online , you can get caught up via our friends at TV Fanatic. View Slideshow: 15 Best Shows in CW History: Ranked!
With just over a week until American citizens elect a new President, leading nominee Hillary Clinton has a question for the FBI. And it basically goes like this: What the heck, people?!? On Friday afternoon, FBI Director James Comey possibly shook up the election by releasing a statement that new information has surfaced that may be “pertinent” to his organization’s investigation into Clinton’s emails. The statement reads as follows: “In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear pertinent to the investigation. “I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation.” That is the extent of the information Comey has provided. Various outlets, however, have reported that the newly-discovered emails are part of an investigation into Anthony Weiner, the disgraced former congressman who recently separated from top Clinton aide Huma Abedin after a sexting incident. (Yes, this goes back to Anthony Weiner allegeding sending lewd photos to a 15-year old girl.) It is not believed that Clinton even sent these emails or that they emanated from her private server. They simply make references to the Democratic front-runner in exchanges discovered on Abedin’s cellphone. Speaking to the press from Iowa in light of this revelation, Clinton sounded angry, surprised, irritated and simply confused. “I have now seen Director Comey’s letter to Congress. We are 11 days out from perhaps the most national election of our lifetimes. Voting is underway, so the American people deserve to get the full and complete facts immediately,” Clinton said in her opening remarks. She continued, in regard to a question about Abedin and Weiner: “We’ve heard these rumors. We don’t know what to believe. I’m sure there will be even more rumors. “That’s why it is incumbent upon on the FBI to tell us what they’re talking about, because right now your guess is as good as mine, and I don’t think that’s good enough… “So we’ve made it very clear that if they’re going to be sending this kind of letter, that is only going originally to Republican members of the House, that they need to share whatever facts they claim to have with the American people, and that’s what I expect to happen.” It is unclear just how long the FBI’s investigation into these new emails will take. Contrary to what some pundits have alleged, however, the investigation has not been re-opened. These kinds of investigations never close; when new information surfaces, as has happened now, that intel is examined. “We have not been contacted by anyone. First we knew about it is I assume when you knew about it when this letter sent to Republican members of the House was released,” Clinton said during the press conference. “We don’t know the facts, which is why we are calling on the FBI to release all the information that it has; even Director Comey noted that this new information may not be significant, so let’s get it out.” The FBI ended its initial investigation into Clinton’s private email server in July. At the time, Comey recommended to the Justice Department that “no charges were appropriate” in the case. However, Comey acknowledged that there was “evidence of potential violations” in Clinton’s “extremely careless” handling of classified information. And the Winner is? Donald Trump Click Here To Vote for Donald Hillary Clinton Click Here To Vote for Hillary Gary Johnson Click Here To Vote for Gary Donald, Hillary or… Gary? Who has your vote to be the next President of the United States? View Poll » “I’m confident whatever they are will not change the conclusion reached in July,” Clinton said on Friday, adding: “Therefore, it’s imperative that the Bureau explain this issue in question whatever it is without any delay. “I look forward to moving forward to focus on the important challenges facing the American people, winning on November 8 and working with all Americans to build a better future for our country.” This issue being raised once again may cause some voters to distrust Hillary, a charge she responded to as follows: “I think a long time ago people made up their minds about the emails, I think that’s factored in to what people think and now they’re choosing a President … “So I would urge everybody to get out and vote early and all the states that have early voting because I think Americans want a President who can lead our country, who can get the economy working for everyone not just those at the top and who can bring our country together. “I offer that, I can do that and I’m confident that the American people know that and we’re going to continue to discuss what’s at stake in this election because I believe this election is one of the consequential elections ever.” View Slideshow: Hillary Clinton: 7 Ways She’s Just Like Daenerys Targaryen