On Sunday’s new episode of Alaskan Bush People , Gabe Brown risked life and limb while building up the new homestead. But many of the Brown family’s thoughts were on the well being of their mother, Ami Brown, who had to travel to the hospital. Ami beat the odds once before. … Has her cancer returned? On Sunday night’s Alaskan Bush People , Ami had to leave the new homestead for another exam to make sure that her cancer was not trying to make a comeback. “As far as returning to the doctor,” Amy said to the camera. “I wish it was already over.” We all wish that Ami Brown’s cancer battle had ended with her being totally cancer-free. “We’re all questioning what the results will be,” Ami admits. “But whatever it is, it is.” Though Ami beat the odds just by surviving, she will likely need to be screened every few months for the rest of her life. Ami explained that the cancer remains, but not the threat that it was a year ago. “Well, the cancer ain’t all the way gone,” Ami admits. “But in the essence, yes it has abated.” Ami continues: “And we’re fighting it, and we’re winning.” “And this mountain and this new home gives us new energy every day,” she says, full of hope. “And,” Ami concludes. “Every day we accomplish and every day we’re safe.” That is a wonderful sentiment and a good mantra to repeat to herself. As Ami headed off to the Los Angeles hospital, her eldest daughter, Bird, lamented that she was left behind. “I wish that I could have gone with them,” Bird admits. “There wasn’t a doctor’s visit that I wasn’t there,” Bird explains. “So it’s hard to not go.” “Especially,” Bird continues. “What if something happens?” “And it will definitely be harder to work,” Bird adds. “Because I don’t know what the test results are going to be.” “If she comes back clear this time…” Billy says hopefully. “It’s finally gone.” To him, that would make their lives just about perfect. “We got plenty of space, we’re all together …” Billy says. “And we believe in Jesus.” Speaking of Jesus, Bam Bam gave his mother a gift for her journey — a beautiful ceramic cross. “It’s our tradition giving something back and forth,” he explains. Like his sister, Bird, Bam Bam explains that he feels a knot of anxiety when his mother goes in for a check-up. “There’s a pit in the bottom of your stomach to wait and wonder what’s going on and what the test results are,” he explains. Bam Bam is anxious, “but we have to stay here and do our best to build things up while they’re gone.” “And,” Bam Bam concludes. “Just focus on the work we need to do.” The next episode is expected ot reveal to fans and viewers the results of Ami’s screening. In real time, however, we know that it’s only been a few weeks since Ami Brown celebrated a birthday that her family had feared she’d never live to see. View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Beat Cancer
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Ami Brown Undergoes Cancer Screening: Is She Finally Cured?