Tag Archives: alaskan-bush

Bear Brown: Alaskan Bush People Star Gushes Over Hot Model Girlfriend

Get excited! The Season 10 premiere date for Alaskan Bush People is just days away! The looming premiere made this week a perfect time for Bear Brown to make a very exciting announcement. He has a gorgeous model girlfriend, and he’s excited to introduce her to the world. 31-year-old Bear Brown spoke to People about his girlfriend, Raiven Adams. “We met at my brother Noah’s wedding last year,” Bear reveals. Noah married his now wife, Rhain Alisha, in a small and beautiful ceremony last year. “Raiven was helping her mom, Kassy Michelle,” he shares. “Who was the photographer.” Bear continues: “Her mom has always had a passion for photography.” “And,” he adds. “Raiven helps her out with weddings and other photo shoots from time to time.” It sounds like, when the two of them met, sparks just flew. “We just agreed we both felt a connection,” Bear characterizes. That sounds wonderful! And then he starts getting into why he adores his girlfriend. He explains: “I would definitely say what I like most about Raiven would simply be Raiven herself,” “She is truly the full package,” Bear expresses. “She is like, beauty in every sense of the word,” Bear gushes about his stunning girlfriend. “Inside and out.” “And she is the most awesome and extreme woman I’ve ever met!” he adds. We all know how much Bear enjoys various extremes. Bear raves: “I adore her, honestly.” That is so sweet to hear. Raiven also spoke up, and shared what has made her so drawn to Bear. “The thing I like most about Bear is his ability to love unconditionally,” Raiven praises. Bear is definitely a sweet guy. “And,” she adds. “How he lives his life to ensure other people’s happiness.” That could almost be read as a dig against Billy, who seems to wield a lot of control over his adult children, but that might be overthinking things. So what have they been up to as a couple? “We’re enjoying summer on the mountain together,” Bear reveals. “And,” he continues excitedly. “Can’t wait to see what the future brings.” Gabe, Noah, Bam Bam, and even Matt have secured romantic happiness for themselves. It’s great that it’s Bear’s turn. “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been,” he confesses. Awww! As has been the case with other lady loves of the Brown boys, Raiven seems to have taken up a friendship with Bear’s youngest sister, Rain. Rain is, by all accounts, a deeply likeable person — she certainly comes across that way on social media. Combine that with the fact that one family living on 435 acres of rural Wshington land can be a little lonely, and she’s bound to be a popular gal. Raiven and Rain are in multiple photos together. It’s great that they’re hanging out and getting along well with each other. For now, Raiven and Bear are just dating. But if Bear’s siblings are any indication, months of romance can turn into an engagement at the drop of a hat. View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

See the rest here:
Bear Brown: Alaskan Bush People Star Gushes Over Hot Model Girlfriend

Alaskan Bush People Season 9 Premiere Date Revealed!

As we reported last fall, Alaskan Bush People was renewed for Season 9 . That ninth season now has a premiere date. And it’s sooner than you might think. Take a look: According to The Discovery Channel, no actual release date has been officially announced for Alaskan Bush People . But that doesn’t mean that a date hasn’t been set. They just haven’t chosen to reveal it yet. However, TV Insider has reported that the captivating reality series will begin airing again on Sunday, March 3. Three new episodes will begin airing at 8pm on that date, the report says. Take note that we’re reporting this at the end of January, right before the shortest month of the year.  If this report holds true, you’ll be seeing Alaskan Bush People within 32 days. The landscape that you see here in this landscape photo snapped by 16-year-old Rain Brown is not of Alaska, but of Washington. Handling the family’s transition from living in both Alaska and Beverly Hills to living in rural Washington was only part of last season’s struggle. The entire family adjusted to their new life, but most of everyone’s attention was on family matriarch Ami Brown. Ami had survived a lengthy cancer battle — one that was widely expected to claim her life in 2017. But Ami is still around — and continuing to be regularly screened for the cancer’s resurgence. And she was not the only member of the family whose personal ups and downs captured the attention of fans. In November, Matt Brown checked out of rehab after 30 days. This time, he is committed to remaining sober. He is reportedly making use of meetings, a sober coach, and the emotional support of his family. This was his second time in rehab, but the first was years ago. Matt explained that he relapsed during his mother’s cancer battle. Almost all substance abuse is some sort of coping mechanism. We are so glad that Matt is taking these steps to secure his health. Noah Brown will welcom a new Alaskan Bush baby with his wife, Rhain Aisha. Their due date is this spring. Noah was sometimes seen as the family “black sheep” by fans, but they were overjoyed to see him tie the knot. He and Rhain married after a not-too-lengthy engagement. Hey, when you know, you know. Rain shared this photo some time ago of herself third-wheeling with her brother, Gabe Brown, and his girlfriend. Raquell Rose and Rain are besties, so she’s of course happy that the two of them are so happy together. In October, it was reported that Gabe Brown may marry Raquell . Neither of them ever made an actual announcement. However, perhaps inspired by Noah’s nuptials (that’s just fan speculation, though), Gabe reportedly filed for a marriage license late last year. We do not yet know their current status, but we are of course very happy for them. And that brings us to Rain, who turned 16 years old last November. Though the youngest in the family (until Rhain gives birth), Rain is the family’s de facto spokesperson. Rain’s social media presence boasts nearly 100,000 Instagram followers. She has been open about discussing her emotional highs and lows. “Don’t let the clouds fool you,” she wrote alongside a photo of herself in the sunlight. “The sun’s always there” “Stay strong,” she tagged her post. “Stay happy.” Rain has been very open with fans and followers about her battle with depression. As recently as Wednesday morning, she took to Instagram to deliver an update. “Some days are so bad all you can do is lay in bed,” she confesses. “On those days,” Rain writes. “It helps to have an angel by your side.” “Love you mr PT bardum,” she praises her cat. “You’re my strength.” “It’s okay not to be okay,” she tagged the post. She is absolutely right. We cannot wait to catch up with the whole family on March 3! In the mean time, we look forward to seeing a trailer in the next few weeks. View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

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Alaskan Bush People Season 9 Premiere Date Revealed!

Noah Brown to Welcome New Alaskan Bush Person!

Attention, Alaskan Bush People fans:  A new Alaskan Bush Person is on the way. Noah Brown, the youngest child of reality stars Ami and Billy Brown, has confirmed to People Magazine that he and his relatively new wife are expecting their first child. The couple has only been husband and wife for three months, but it takes far less time than that to conceive a child. “We’ve taken another step in the adventure that is our life together,” Noah tells the aforementioned publication, adding: “We didn’t try, and we didn’t not try. We figured that we’d just kind of let God and nature take their course and we ended up pregnant.” We’re pretty sure that if you have unprotected sex for any extended period of time, you are actively trying to have a baby. But parsing Brown’s words and/or philosophy isn’t the point right now, we know. The news is especially emotional for 26-year old because of what he and his family have been going through for over a year now. Many months ago, as you likely know, Amy Brown was diagnosed with lunch cancer. She appears to be in remission now, but many outlets claimed she was on her death bed on more than one occasion. Noah says that Ami cried when she learned she would soon be a first-ime grandmother. And Rhain said the following of her in-laws: “Every last one of the brothers has suddenly become so much more protective. It’s ridiculous. “It’s like, my raging hormones have drawn out their testosterone-fueled protectiveness. “Everyone’s like, ‘Don’t lift anything over your head.’ ‘Oh, you need a break.’ ‘How are your feet?’ ‘Do you need to sit down?’ ‘Here, let me help you.’ I’m like, ‘C’mon!’'” That’s pretty funny actually. And pretty darn cute. Noah previously told Radar Online that he and his better half “want several children together.” They got married in Idaho on August 15 in a small affair attended by all of Noah’s famous loved ones. “She is my wife for life and is going to make an amazing mom!” Noah more recently told Radar. As for the gender of their impending kid? Yes, Rhain and Noah know what he or she will be. But they are keeping it a secret for now. They also know what name their child will be given. “Before we were even married, we had talked about names,” Brown says. “It was one of the things that we just matched up on perfectly: We knew we wanted three children. But we didn’t know what we’d get, so we set out and we picked three boy names and three girl names.” They are clearly very well prepared. The baby is due in late spring, Noah also says, concluding: Spring is when the birds have their babies, and the deer have their babies, and the bears and the cougars, so we’re gonna have our baby too. “We just fit right in with the animals.” View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

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Noah Brown to Welcome New Alaskan Bush Person!

Alaskan Bush People: Gabe Brown and Raquell Rose Are Getting Married!

Back in August, Alaskan Bush People star Noah Brown married Rhain Alisha in a beautiful, low-key ceremony. Now it’s another member of the Brown family’s turn. This time, it’s Gabe Brown — who filed for a marriage license before anyone heard a word about an engagement! RadarOnline reports that Gabe Brown is either married already — or about to be. A clerk at the Marriage License Office in Okanogan, Washington says that Gabe and his girlfriend got their marriage papers last month. “Gabriel Brown and Raquell Pantilla filed for a marriage license in person on October 8,” the clerk confirms. Raquell is not unfamiliar to fans who follow the Brown family on social media. In fact, it was Gabe’s youngest sister Rain who revealed Gabe’s relationship with Raquell “Rose” Pantilla. Rain has joked about beinga  third wheel, but she and Raquell have described each other as the best of friends. A source close to the Brown family didn’t quite confirm Gabe’s marriage, but didn’t exactly deny it, either. “They have been spending a lot of time together,” the family source acknowledged. The insider affirmed that “really likes her.” We’ve all been able to tell that much just from watching them on social media. Just look at this photo that Gabe shared of his and Raquell’s hands forming a heart together. Now, as we were all so recently reminded with Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin, a marriage license can be a little ambiguous. We looked it up, and Washington state law says that a marriage license has a three-day waiting period. (That, folks, is to prevent people who are blitzed out of their minds from having impulsive weddings with someone they just met) After those three days are over, the couple has 60 days in which to have their wedding. After that, if they have not held a wedding, the marriage license becomes invalid. If our understanding that this gives Gabe and Raquell a total of 63 days in which to tie the knot is correct, they must hold their wedding by December 10. Just because Gabe and Raquell need to hold a wedding between October 11 and December 10 doesn’t mean that it has to be large. Noah’s wedding, after all, was a pretty small event. It is entirely possible that Gabe and Raquell have already had a wedding somewhere on the Brown family’s private, spacious homestead. If your dad buys 435 acres of land , we sure hope that there’s enough room for you to get married on it. If so, we hope that they’ll make an announcement about it soon. But they still have an entire month — and some change — to hold that wedding. Maybe it hasn’t happened yet. Gabe Brown has not always been so lucky in love. In late November of last year, Rain warned her fans and followers that an imposter was pretending to be Gabe Brown . This imposter was catfishing fans, some of whom developed real feelings for the fake Gabe. Months later, when fans learned of Gabe’s relationship with Raquel, some accused Gabe of seducing them — having ignored Rain’s warning. These fans may have seen Rain’s warning but refused to believe that they were being catfished. We’re glad that Gabe and Raquell were able to get past that. Still, Gabe and Raquell have only been dating for … possibly less than a year. Though Raquell has been getting along well with the Brown family — especially with Rain — some wonder if they’re rushing things. It’s always a little surprising when a couple goes from “dating” to “married” (or close enough) without any real engagement in between. But sometimes, couples just know. Congratulations to Gabe and Raquell! View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

See the article here:
Alaskan Bush People: Gabe Brown and Raquell Rose Are Getting Married!

Matt Brown: Hiring a Sober Coach After Rehab

Alaskan Bush People star Matt Brown was forced into rehab following a family intervention . After about 30 days of treatment, he reportedly feels like he has things under control and is ready to leave rehab. But his family has serious concerns that if he halts treatment now, he could relapse again. Matt Brown checked into rehab in September. it has now been about a month. And RadarOnline   reports that Matt is itching to leave treatment and return home, believing that he is now well enough to do so. An insider says that Billy and Ami are talking Matt into “hiring a sober coach to work with him on the outside. That way, Matt can continue to work on this “after he gets out of rehab.” “His family has been visiting him,” the source reports. “And,” the insider reveals. “He is doing great.” Doing well in rehab does not always translate to having made a full recovery and being ready to go out into the world. “But,” the source says. “Matt thinks that he is ready to leave after 30 days.” His family has some serious concerns that he might be jumping the gun a little. The Browns have their doubts, the insider shares, “and everyone is urging him to stay in.” “He says that he is almost ready,” the source reveals. “And can handle this on his own now.” His confidence is certainly encouraging, but sometimes staying with a program for a little longer can do a world of good. You can love and trust someone while also encouraging them to keep getting help. “While his father and mother are fully supportive of him,” the insider begins. The source continues: “they are really hoping that Matt stay focused on his sobriety when he is out of rehab.” “And,” the insider adds, Billy and Ami hope and pray “that he continues going to meetings.” The source also says that Mat’s parents would like for Matt to keep up with meetings “and seeing a therapist.” This is not Matt Brown’s first time in rehab. After his previous stint getting help with his alcohol consumption in 2016, Matt was very frank with fans. “I could see myself spiraling,” he told his fans and followers. “I was more withdrawn,” Matt continued. “I was slower.” He also shared that “Things did not excite me the way that they used to.” While a lot of that may sound like depression symptoms, remember that alcohol is an intensely addictive depressant. Matt also spoke to People about his decision to again go to rehab. “I struggle with substance abuse,” Matt said in a straightforward manner. “And after a year of ups and downs,” Matt continued. “I decided to return to treatment.” Reports say that it was during the worst moments of his mother’s cancer battle that Matt began drinking again. “I am really grateful for everyone’s support,” he shared. “And,” Matt concluded, he has “hope to have my life back on track soon.” As we reported earlier this month, Alaskan Bush People was renewed for Season 9 . Apparently part of this upcoming season will focus upon Matt’s struggles with alcohol addiction and his journey back to sobriety. It takes a lot of bravery to admit that you have a problem and to seek help with it. Good for Matt for not only doing so, but agreeing to share his story with fans and viewers. He may inspire others to transform their own lives. View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

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Matt Brown: Hiring a Sober Coach After Rehab

Alaskan Bush People: Renewed for Season 9… with a Catch!

A year ago ago at this time, we were unsure if Alaskan Bush People would return for an eighth season. To be frank, we were unsure whether Ami Brown would even be alive right now. The veteran reality star had been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and her prognosis was grim. But here we are now, and, we’re so very happy to say, here Ami is now: still alive, still kicking, still starring on Alaskan Bush People. The Discovery Channel hit recently wrapped filming on Season 8, which focused on the family moving from Alaska to Washington because Ami had to be closer to doctors who could assist with her pressing medical needs. It hasn’t been an easy adjustment, especially because the Browns can never go back home , but it beats the alternative, right? Again: Ami is alive. And now we’ve received word that the show is as well. Alaskan Bush People is coming back for Season 9. With Ami on the mend, the central storyline will move from her health battle to the struggles of Matt Brown, who announced last month that he is headed for rehab . This is bad news for the family, but actually positive news from the view of Discovery Channel executives. It has given them new content for future episodes. “Everyone is interested to see if he is able to overcome his addiction battle,” an insider tells Radar Online of the reaction to Matt’s admission. Upon confirming he is seeking professional assistance, this is what Brown said to People Magazine: “I struggle with substance abuse, and after a year of ups and downs, I decided to return to treatment. “I’m really grateful for everyone’s support and hope to have my life back on track soon.” Matt is the oldest of all Ami and Billy’s children. Back in 2016, he checked into treatment after being arrested for DUI in Juneau, Alaska. According to Radar Online, he remained on the straight and narrow, fully on the wagon… until last year, when he started drinking again to cope with his his mother’s tragic diagnosis. A terminal illness for a parent is an understandable trigger for anyone that has dependency issues. In an interview with People, Ami touched on Matt having to go to rehab prior to the Season 8 finale being shot and said: “It’s hard not having one of my babies here with us. He was so strong for me, and I want to be strong for him.” We wish him the best. And we’re excited for Season 9! View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

Original post:
Alaskan Bush People: Renewed for Season 9… with a Catch!

Ami Brown Undergoes Cancer Screening: Is She Finally Cured?

On Sunday’s new episode of Alaskan Bush People , Gabe Brown risked life and limb while building up the new homestead. But many of the Brown family’s thoughts were on the well being of their mother, Ami Brown, who had to travel to the hospital. Ami beat the odds once before. … Has her cancer returned? On Sunday night’s Alaskan Bush People , Ami had to leave the new homestead for another exam to make sure that her cancer was not trying to make a comeback. “As far as returning to the doctor,” Amy said to the camera. “I wish it was already over.” We all wish that Ami Brown’s cancer battle had ended with her being totally cancer-free. “We’re all questioning what the results will be,” Ami admits. “But whatever it is, it is.” Though Ami beat the odds just by surviving, she will likely need to be screened every few months for the rest of her life. Ami explained that the cancer remains, but not the threat that it was a year ago. “Well, the cancer ain’t all the way gone,” Ami admits. “But in the essence, yes it has abated.” Ami continues: “And we’re fighting it, and we’re winning.” “And this mountain and this new home gives us new energy every day,” she says, full of hope. “And,” Ami concludes. “Every day we accomplish and every day we’re safe.” That is a wonderful sentiment and a good mantra to repeat to herself. As Ami headed off to the Los Angeles hospital, her eldest daughter, Bird, lamented that she was left behind. “I wish that I could have gone with them,” Bird admits. “There wasn’t a doctor’s visit that I wasn’t there,” Bird explains. “So it’s hard to not go.” “Especially,” Bird continues. “What if something happens?” “And it will definitely be harder to work,” Bird adds. “Because I don’t know what the test results are going to be.” “If she comes back clear this time…” Billy says hopefully. “It’s finally gone.” To him, that would make their lives just about perfect. “We got plenty of space, we’re all together …” Billy says. “And we believe in Jesus.” Speaking of Jesus, Bam Bam gave his mother a gift for her journey — a beautiful ceramic cross. “It’s our tradition giving something back and forth,” he explains. Like his sister, Bird, Bam Bam explains that he feels a knot of anxiety when his mother goes in for a check-up. “There’s a pit in the bottom of your stomach to wait and wonder what’s going on and what the test results are,” he explains. Bam Bam is anxious, “but we have to stay here and do our best to build things up while they’re gone.” “And,” Bam Bam concludes. “Just focus on the work we need to do.” The next episode is expected ot reveal to fans and viewers the results of Ami’s screening. In real time, however, we know that it’s only been a few weeks since Ami Brown celebrated a birthday  that her family had feared she’d never live to see. View Slideshow: Celebrities Who Beat Cancer

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Ami Brown Undergoes Cancer Screening: Is She Finally Cured?

Ami Brown Cancer Update: What Did We Learn?

Alaskan Bush People viewers were treated to an early Christmas present on Friday night. Following many months off the air, the popular Discovery Channel series aired a special holiday episode over the weekend, one that provided fans with a critical update. We’re talking, of course, about Ami Brown. The family matriarch has been diagnosed with stage four lung cancer and has been undergoing chemotherapy for nearly the entire year. She’s been brutally honest about her condition and her very low odds of long-term survival. On this special installment, however, Ami and her loved ones received some positive news: She is finished with treatment. (Viewers also learned that the Browns relocated from Alaska to southern California in order for Ami to be seen by physicians as UCLA; it had not been known previously exactly where she was being treated.) “There is very single reason to be hopeful and absolutely optimistic,” Dr. Deborah Wong told Ami and Billy on the episode. There’s still a long way for Ami to go, of course, but it’s important to savor every moment in situations such as this. “Life is a gift,” Ami said in response to the doctor’s encouraging words. The family celebrated the good news with a surprise for Ami, as the Brown kids decorated their California house roof-to-foundation and prepared a Christmas dinner. Wearing a Santa hat at one point, Ami was led out of the home by Billy, blindfolded and holding her husband’s hand. Once she saw the garden and how it had been filled with lights and a Christmas tree, Ami could hardly contain her emotion. “The best thing about this Christmas is that mom gets to spend it with us,” daughter Birdy said on camera, adding: “It was looking bad for a while. Having mom here for this Christmas I think is the best gift that we could ever get.” We wish Ami and all the Browns the absolute best during this holiday season. Said Billy of the occasion: “For the Brown family, the meaning of Christmas is all things good… it’s that one time of the year that you really celebrate life. “It’s a time of giving and also receiving love, and kind of a combination of the whole year, right there together.” Prior to this episode and this update, the last we had heard from the Alaskan Bush People regarding Ami’s health was when daughter Rain revealed on Instagram that the family were “hopeful”  as her mom began a second round of chemotherapy. As for the future of the show? This is unimportant compared to Ami’s well-being, of course, but plenty of fans out there remain curious. There’s been talk that the Browns are moving to Colorado for Season 8 , along with chatter over Bam Bam and his girlfriend landing a spinoff. Nothing has been confirmed yet, however. All that really matters right now is that Ami continues to progress and to spend as much time as possible with her loved ones. View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

See original here:
Ami Brown Cancer Update: What Did We Learn?

Hannity Fans Destroy Coffee Makers, Urge Nation to #BoycottKeurig

As previously reported, Roy Moore has been accused of child molestation . The Alabama Senate candidate reportedly made sexual advances toward a 14-year old back when he was 32 years old. The Washington Post spoke to 30 sources for this bombshell story and has stood by every detail, despite threats of a lawsuit from Moore and a few harsh words from his supporters. One of those supporters, of course, is Sean Hannity. The Fox News host has gone to extreme lengths to attempt and explain why Moore's alleged actions really aren't a big deal, much to the shock and outrage of those who do think pedophilia ought to disqualify one from public office. In response to Hannity's support for Moore, Keurig is among the companies that has stopped advertising on the conservative host's talk show. And, as you're about to find out, loyal Hannity viewers have certain feelings about this decision… 1. Excuse Us, Keurig? The official Twitter account for this coffee maching responded to a concerned user by saying it has pulled its support for Hannity. 2. And From There? Well, the #MAGA floodgates opened wide, with various Fox News viewers finding unique ways to destroy their Keurig machines over the Internet. 3. Pulling an Office Space If you haven’t seen Office Space… what is wrong with you?!? Go rent Office Space! Also, this means the guy is about to use a hammer and other tools to break his Keurig into many pieces. 4. A Couple Quick Points to Make: 1. LOL. No liberal is “offended” by the destruction of a Keurig. 2. You can’t boycott a product you already purchased. 5. Deplorables Unite! It will be ironic when these people are too tired to go vote in the 2018 mid-term elections. 6. Liberals are SO Offended Or… you know, not. View Slideshow

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Hannity Fans Destroy Coffee Makers, Urge Nation to #BoycottKeurig

Alaskan Bush People Christmas Special: Coming to Discovery!

More Alaskan Bush People  is on the way!   Alaskan Bush People ‘s grim hiatus exists for a very good reason, but fans of the series and of the Brown family are about to get a reprieve. But we’re not talking about Season 8 filming. Not just yet. The Browns are coming back with an Alaskan Bush People Christmas special. But … will it involve Ami? Christmas is a big deal for the Brown family. Not just because they’re Christians and not just because Christmas in both its secular and religious forms is thoroughly ubiquitous in American culture. And also not just because they’re reality stars whose producers know that a “feel good” Christmas episode is often a recipe for success. We’ve talked a bit about the Brown family’s youngest member, Rain Brown. She’s on social media now, so we get to see her selfies along with more serious posts about how she’s not sure if her mom’s going to make it . Well, Rain’s birth name isn’t “Rain” or “Rainy.” Her full name is, and we are not making this up: Merry Christmas Katherine Raindrop “Rainy” Brown. Now, she’s named that because of the time of year in which she was born — Rain’s 15th birthday is in just 10 days, folks! — but she’s not named Thanksgiving Brown or Solstice Brown or Dies Natalis Solis Invicti Brown . So, yeah, it’s a pretty special time of year. This year will be an even bigger deal, because Alaskan Bush People will be filming, not in Alaska, but in Colorado. We told you that the Browns were called out as fake by fans over their move to Colorado. Those fans felt like they’d been played for fools by the Brown family’s survivalist antics on-screen but real life comfort. For them, the final straw was the family moving to another state altogether. And, of course, we know that the Brown family is now living large in a Beverly Hills mansion . That’s kind of the opposite of “roughing it.” (But it’s not actually surprising — Ami Brown’s chemotherapy can’t happen in the wilderness, and they’ve been making money for seven seasons of a reality series) TV Insider reports that this year’s “Bushmas” special features nearly the entire Brown family, and that is has already filmed. This is exciting news! … Mostly. (Honestly, “Bushmas” as a name is a mistake … it sounds less like a wholesome family special and more like particularly festive pubic hair) There’s been no formal announcement of a new season, and we probably won’t know about that until Ami Brown’s battle with terminal lung cancer is resolved. But the “Bushmas” special will air on December 15th. The Brown’s have done Christmas episodes before, but this will be a standalone special. It will be in Colorado. And … will it involve Ami? Like we said, the report doesn’t guarantee that every Brown will be there. And Alaskan Bush People is famous for its recycled footage, so there’s bound to be some of that. But Ami Brown was photographed in Colorado recently. Billy Brown ignited a firestorm of controversy by prominently displaying his preferred brand of cigarettes in his pocket while his wife dies of lung cancer. That sort of overshadowed questions of why Ami was there. Now it seems likely that Ami was there. We just hope that this “Bushmas” and the actual Christmas that follows won’t be her last. The real mystery is whether or not Bam Bam or Noah, who have both reportedly been spotted in Colorado recently, made the cut or not. View Slideshow: Alaskan Bush People: 13 Secrets They Don’t Want You to Know

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Alaskan Bush People Christmas Special: Coming to Discovery!