Wendy Williams: Police Feared She Was Being Poisoned During Marriage

Before Wendy Williams served her awful husband with divorce papers, she hired a security team to keep her safe. Months earlier, police had visited her home for a welfare check after an anonymous caller claimed that Wendy was being poisoned. Is this divorce really about cheating? Or is it about attempted murder ? TMZ got their hands on an alarming police report. Back in January, a “random caller” contacted authorities to report that Wendy Williams was essentially being poisoned by her husband, Kevin Hunter. The source of the call claimed to work for Wendy’s production company. The unidentified caller believed that Kevin was providing Wendy with some sort of dangerous substance. The police were asked to do a welfare check, so they obliged. This went down during Wendy’s extended hiatus from The Wendy Williams Show . According to the police report, two officers visited Wendy Williams’ residence in New Jersey. They were greeted by Kevin Hunter, who appeared hesitant to allow them into the house. He explained to them that Wendy was “sick” and “recovering from a health problem.” Police declined to accept his “no” and he eventually relented. The officers explained that they were required to speak to Wendy because the had been instructed to do a welfare check. After Kevin ushered them in, the officers report finding Wendy in bed. Per their description, she sounds immobile, “with the blanket covering from neck to toe.” Kevin seemed to want to stay by Wendy’s side and monitor any conversation that they might have. One of the officers insisted that he allow them to speak to her directly and alone, and so he eventually left the room. Wendy explained to police that she was recovering from a broken shoulder, and that this was the “health problem.” This is when the officers told Wendy about the anonymous call claiming that she was being poisoned or dosed with something dangerous. Wendy apparently told the police something along the lines of “Well, I’m very popular,” as if to suggest that it was some crazed fan. That dismissal was not exactly an answer. When asked again, Wendy had a very different reaction. Wendy Williams is described in the report as having become tearful when the police asked a second time if she was safe. When she spoke, however, she denied that Kevin was poisoning her. After Wendy insisted yet again that she was safe and perfectly fine aside from her health, the officers departed. That’s it — no blood tests, to viewing of medical records. In our justice system, everyone’s hands are tied until the alleged victim asks for help — and sometimes, even then. Does the fact that there was a welfare check mean that Wendy was being poisoned by her husband? Of courrse not. That said, a guy who realizes that his mistress is about to give birth deciding to poison his rich wife would … not be unprecedented. As to what form that could take, the nervous caller may have been referring to opioids. Hypothetically speaking, an aspiring murderer could fuel someone’s addiction in the hopes that they will overdose all on their own. But we are of course not accusing Kevin Hunter or anyone else of anything.

Wendy Williams: Police Feared She Was Being Poisoned During Marriage

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